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你吃过盘尼西林吗?Have you had penicillin?

你能卖给我盘尼西林吗?。Can you sell me Penicillin?

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我对盘尼西林过敏。I am allergic to penicillin.

他对盘尼西林无耐药力。He can't tolerate penicillin.

盘尼西林治好了他的肺炎。Penicillin cured him of pneumonia.

盘尼西林的发现该归功于谁?To whom do we owe the discovery of penicillin?

盘尼西林是亚历山大·弗来明发现的。Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.

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医生将盘尼西林注射入血液。The doctor injected penicillin into the bloodstream.

据说盘尼西林是一个染坊洗衣服的发明的。It is reported that penicillin was invented by a laundryman in a dyer's shop.

我妈妈对盘尼西林过敏,所以医生给她另一种抗生素。My mom is allergic to penicillin, so the doctor gave her a different antibiotic.

几十年前就已发现,大部分细菌感染可以用盘尼西林等抗生素来治疗。Most bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics such as penicillin, discovered decades ago.

所以说我们大家应该感谢那些强盗的一针盘尼西林,然后继续前进。So I say we all just thank the bandits for their allegorical penicillin shot and continue on our way.

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他成功的将盘尼西林从特异青霉素霉菌中提取了出来,但无法对混合物进行提纯。He successfully isolated the chemical from the mould Penicillium notatum, but could not purify the compound.

成本降低后,全世界在治疗许多传染病时均可选用盘尼西林。然而,这其实是一种重新发现。The reduced COST made possible worldwide use of penicillin in treating many infections. But it was really a re-discovery.

在二战期间,这一方法对制作盘尼西林至关重要,美军也主要依靠辉瑞生产的抗生素。This method was vital in producing penicillin during World War II and the US Army relied heavily on Pfizer for their antibiotics.

此梅毒性葡萄膜炎经高剂量之盘尼西林得有效控制、在两年之追综期间未再复发。The inflammation was then controlled successfully with high doses of penicillin. No recurrence was noted during two year of follow-up period.

二十世纪三十年代磺胺基类药物和四十年代盘尼西林的应用,一下子让很多传染病可以治愈了。The introduction of sulfa drugs, in the nineteen-thirties, and penicillin, in the nineteen-forties, suddenly made many bacterial infections curable.

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在林林总总的人类奇迹中,我们发明了盘尼西林、太空飞船、计算机甚至还有人工心脏,那么人类的智慧还能更进一步吗?We've invented penicillin, space shuttles, computers and even artificial hearts, among many other wonders. So where will human intelligence go from here?

我能想见一位疯狂的科学家为了不可思议的发现盘尼西林或者是彻底治愈普通感冒,而毫无理性地苦苦寻找一个终极疗法。I can visualize the mad scientist irrationally pursuing an obvious dead-end only to – poof – incredibly discover penicillin or a cure for the common cold.

大多数的抗生素直接攻击使我们致病的细菌,比方说盘尼西林,能使细菌的坚韧的细胞外壁软化到一定程度,然后使它们中的大多数简单地胀爆死掉。Most antibiotics directly attack the microbes that make us ill. Penicillin, for example, weakens bugs’ tough outer wall to the point that many of them simply explode.