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她近来情绪急躁。She's be edgy lately.

他性情急躁。He has an edgy temper.

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他性情急躁。He is ardent in temper.

她性情急躁。She is quick in temper.

她近来情绪急躁。She's being edgy lately.

她近来情绪急躁。She"s been edgy lately."

雷斯上校急躁地骂开了。Colonel Race swore hastily.

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他的脾气是最急躁的。His temper is of the quickest.

要尽量控制住你的急躁情绪。Try to control your impatience.

我们必须防止急躁情绪。We must guard against rashness.

你感觉焦躁不安或急躁。You feel restless or irritable.

但是也反映了某种日益增长的急躁情绪。But it reflects a growing impatience.

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同样不要愤怒和急躁。Don't give into anger and impatience.

当然了,这位先生所说的就是——急躁!Of course, the signor meant _headlong_!

他批评他的副手是个急躁的年轻人。He criticized his deputy as a hotheaded youth.

但是东想西想,急躁地翻来覆去终夜不能入眠。He tossed fretfully and could not get to sleep.

事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。Career in perseverance, destroyed by impatience.

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丽莉发现彭尼顿太太正在急躁不安。Lily found Mrs. Peniston in a state of agitation.

本周你的伴侣会有些急躁。Your partner may be somewhat irritable this week.

你总是神经紧绷、不安和急躁吗?Are you tense, nervous and irritable all the time?