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一部图文并茂的钱币史,纵贯古今,精彩纷呈。A colorful history of coins and currency from their very beginnings.

京杭大运河纵贯苏州南北,交通十分方便。The city is cut by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal from north to south.

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固城河纵贯全境,河道斗折蛇行,迂回曲折。Longitudinalcheng he solid throughout, folding fighting snake river, tortuous.

地质学爱好者们也可以循着一条纵贯中美洲的火山带一路探来。Geological enthusiasts could also follow a volcanic trail through Central America.

恳请采用纵贯铁路快车货运,费由敝公司负担。Kindly make the shipment by cross fast freight , and charge the cost to our account.

它是纵贯杭州湾的通途,也是树立在广大人民心中的丰碑!It is a thoroughfare across Hangzheu Bay and a monumental work in Chinese people' s heart.

因斯回想起了分别效力于纵贯兰克斯东路两端的两家俱乐部时的美好回忆。Ince recalls a couple of favourite memories, from either side of the East Lancs Road divide.

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一条纵贯伯利兹南北的路就在四五英里外横穿森林。The new main north-south road in Belize was cut through the forest only four or five miles away.

南同蒲铁路纵贯县境中部,是灵石县对外交通的大动脉。South County Tongpu railway runs through the middle of Lingshi County are outbound traffic artery.

蜿蜒的沂河,如镶嵌的玉带,纵贯全境,充满灵气。The meandering River Yi, such as the inlaid jade belt, that runs its length throughout, with Aura.

第聂伯河纵贯中部,是航运干线和工农业主要水源。Dnieper north-south central part of the shipping lines and major industrial and agricultural water.

大运河纵贯河北、山东、江苏、浙江四省。The Grand Canal flows southwards through the four provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

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实证分析显示,纵贯铁路通车后,车站地稻作的平均每甲产量上升大于非车站地。We also find that land prices near the rail stations increased much more than in the non-station areas.

纵贯全境的加拿大落矶山脉为它赢得了”集50个瑞士于一省”的美名。The Canadian Rockies running through it have earned for it the proud name of "Fifty Switzerland in One."

前不久的一天,一条条纵贯沼泽地的道路让人们有幸一睹一批美国最稀有鸟类的风姿。On a recent day, various roads that traverse the marshes offered views of some of the rarest birds in the US.

然而,象商朝和周朝时期一样的早期文化的许多元素,纵贯几千年仍然可辨。Yet many elements of early cultures such as the Shang and the Zhou remained recognizable across the millennia.

灼热的驱动马达带动纵贯“说服者级”全身的中央履带运行。A hot-burning drive motor propels the central gripping tread that runs the entire length of a Persuader's frame.

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自古有水旱码头之称,京杭大运河纵贯全境。Since ancient times, there are floods, droughts and the pier, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal longitudinal throughout.

陆地表面的水流呈现暗绿的阴影,一条临时出现的河流自北向南纵贯图片。Water on the land surface appears in shades of dull green, and a temporary river runs north-south through the image.

县境周围群山环绕,黑河、白河、红河三条河流纵贯南北。Around the mountains around the County, Black River, White River, Red River runs through the three north-south river.