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蛇是爬行纲有鳞目蛇亚目的总称。The snake is a reptile Squamata Serpentes.

我们不能让人的总称为我们的错误而偿命。We cannot let humans pay for our mistakes.

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而更像是某类论证的总称It's rather the name for a kind of argument.

激战2将会有非人的总称的人种操作么?Will Guild Wars 2 have non-human playable races?

是「醯」和「醢」的总称,起源于中国。Sauce is composed of acid and salt, originating from China.

稀土是17种元素的总称,其实稀土并不稀少。Despite their collective name, the 17 elements are not rare.

纱是互锁纤维长幅的总称。Yarn is a general term for long pieces of interlocked fibers.

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淮阳泥泥狗是淮阳泥玩具的总称。The Huaiyang clay dog is the General name of Huaiyang mud toys.

该平台是城市热点无线产品的总称。This platform is urban heat the floorboard of wireless product.

琵琶,在古代是所有弹弦乐器的总称。Lute was the general name for all Stradivarius in ancient times.

电车线是电气化铁路、工矿电机车等用滑接馈电线的总称。Contact cable is an important part of the electrical railway system.

人的总称凭借他们的内涵调节器,是至高无上的存在。Humans are sovereign beings by virtue of their indwelling adjusters.

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人的总称的天然生长岑岭一般在17-20岁之间,之后停顿下来。Human growth naturally peak between the ages of 17-20 and then stops.

中药是我国传统药物的总称。Chinese traditional medicine is floorboard of the traditional medicine.

而所谓的“岫玉”,是我国对“蛇纹石质玉石”的总称。And the so-called" jade", is our country on the" serpentine stone jade".

日头与人的总称从阳光中接受的福利会被恢复。The Sun and the benefits that people receive from sunlight will be restored.

图案和针板之间的线的总称,人们形象地成为鸟巢。Collection of thread between goods and needle plate resembling a bird's nest.

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“重竞技项目”是摔跤、拳击和举重的总称。"Heavy athletics" is the general name for wresting boxing and weight-lifting.

戴玛瓦是特拉华、马里兰和维吉尼亚三州的总称。Delmarva is where the states of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia come together.

度母事实上就是同一类型的菩萨的总称。Tara is actually the generic name for a set of Bodhisattvas of similar aspect.