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我和他不够熟习,不好请他佐理。I don't know him well enough to ask him for help.

小到每一个经过的角落都刻下了熟习的脚印。That every corner is stamped by familiar footprints.

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他给教会里每个人一个熟习的角色。Notice everybody in the church has some familial role.

马啸毅然开枪,却只听见熟习的空响。MaXiao resolutely shot, but only hear the familiar hollow ring.

他对这一地域的地舆特性很熟习。He is very familiar with the geographical features of this district.

不熟习的概率和解释一定要查课本。Not the probability of be skilful at and explanation must check textbook.

你熟习这种晶体管缩小器的功用吗?Are you familiar with the performance of this type of transistor amplifier?

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还需要增加多少个例子强调已经很熟习的本相。A few more examples should be added to highlight the already familiar facts.

在海内,越来越多的人开始熟习到电子病历的主要性。Therefore, in our country, more and more people are aware of the importance of CPR.

原因只有一个,我从小生长在家族企业当中,我很熟习这类企业所面临的挑战。For one thing, I grew up in a family business, and I'm familiar with the challenges.

你的车子是特别样式的车子,仍是悠着点儿开比拟好,熟习一部车子是需求时间的。No, yours is a specially-built model. Drive carefully, though. It takes time to run in a new car.

早早地,翻开电脑听音乐,熟习的和不熟习的旋律渐渐渗入心底。Very early on and listen to music, turn the computer familiar and unfamiliar melody slowly sank into the heart.

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请相信我的话,总有一天,当你增加新知识的时候,你就会把以前所熟习的东西忘了。Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before.

大调、小调、渐强和断奏,渐渐的熟习之中忽而也熟习了某些大调的指法。Major, minor, are becoming stronger and staccato slowly, and familiar with some familiar and also the major means of.

除了孤单这一分明的成绩之外,我以为另一个困难是对校园环境的不熟习。In addition to the obvious problem―loneliness, another major obstacle, in my opinion, is the alien environment of campus.

你还需表明,你有良好的学习计划,并熟习所学专业。You also need to show that you have a well-developed plan of study and are knowledgeable about the subject you are studying.

熟习西方近代科技的技术官僚,在殖民地扮演日本近代化经验的传播者之角色。To spread these experience, those technocrats who were trained on Western modern science and technology played important roles.

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不久,不间断的练习及熟习考试乐曲的需要慢慢扼杀了她学琴的兴趣,她变得兴味索然。Before long, the constant need to practice and perfect the exam pieces slowly killed her joy of learning and she became apathetic.

要开始自己学着生活,这本应早以熟习的事,因了宠溺与关怀,现在才开始面对。I am learning to live myself, which I should have been familiar with years before. Due to favouring and caring, I don't start untill now.

熟习你是一种快慰,愿你永远具有最夸姣的工具,不但今天具有,并且天天具有,由于熟习你真是一种安慰。It's joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know.