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这是我从未有过的于陌生人的写真体验。A stranger photo sesh I've never had.

他对顾露底写真,客总是不守信用。He always breaks faith with his clients.

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发见那绝代风流人物的写真。I see descriptions of the fairest wights.

明星夫妻拍裸身激情写真在娱乐圈并不罕见。It is normal for couple stars to take nude photos.

写真拍出了“贝克汉姆之夜”的迷情效果。The photos show the flossy feelings of "Beckham's night ".

她刚刚在北京一家摄影工作室拍摄了一组人体写真。Xiao recently posed for nude portraits at a Beijing studio.

这些照片也许是最细致入微的动物胚胎写真了。They are the most detailed embryonic animal pictures ever seen.

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写真机输出介质为相纸背胶PP上喷图等。Photo machine output medium for paper PP adhesive spraying maps.

这批写真画像,全部实有其人,整个系列可以分为大小两组。This collection of portraits can be divided into two sub-groups.

幅宽达到1.8米,售价低廉,适合于常规写真客户.。Up to 1.8M printing width, Low cost, Suitable for regular customers.

写真喷绘介质分为外打灯、内打灯。Photo printing medium is divided into external lights and inner lighting.

在中国,裸体写真日趋流行。There is a growing trend for people to pose naked for photographs in China.

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所以要好的写真,不能去影楼,找操守好的摄影师拍吧。So good photo, photo studio can not go, look for good conduct of photographers to shoot it.

于是我的女朋友爱丽丝和我决定为杂志拍摄写真。We agreed —my girlfriend Alice and I —to take some pictures in the deluxe wing of the Paramount.

影集里收放女人怀孕的照片,以及家庭生活的写真。Include a picture of a pregnant woman in collections of photographs and pictures depicting families.

日前,她为某时尚周刊拍摄的一组写真大片曝光,窈窕身材一览无余。Recently, she is a fashion magazine of a group photo shoot big exposure, gentle &graceful body lace.

收集时尚明星的最新新闻,逸闻趣事,写真图片,相关视频下载等。Latest news and photos with Elle Fanning. Collection of Elle Fanning pictures, videos, news and facts.

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这张精美的“蓝色星球”图片是目前为止最详细的整个地球的真彩写真。This spectacular “blue marble” image is the most detailed true-color image of the entire Earth to date.

收集时尚明星的最新新闻,逸闻趣事,写真图片,相关视频下载等。Latest news and photos with Jessica Szohr. Collection of Jessica Szohr pictures, videos, news and facts.

收集时尚明星的最新新闻,逸闻趣事,写真图片,相关视频下载等。Latest news and photos with Olivia Palermo. Collection of Olivia Palermo pictures, videos, news and facts.