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山河处处喜洋洋。Joy is everywhere.

看山河由谁来主宰。See who can dominate the world.

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我热爱祖国的锦绣山河。I love our beautiful motherland.

山河千古在,城郭一时非。In a non city rivers through the ages.

织了一片醉人的锦绣山河。Weaving a piece of beautiful landscape.

且将山河编织成诗行。Mountains and rivers and will weave into a poem lines.

其中被告方奉化市山河水暖器材厂就是其中之一。The defendant Fenghua Shanhe is one of the infringers.

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英国山河破碎、倾家荡产,德国则在废墟底下那不见火光的燃烧中殒灭。Britain was broken and bankrupt, Germany a smoldering ruin.

一个是把“四十年来家国,三千里路山河”拱手送与他人的南唐后主。Li Yi is the Southern Tang emperor who gives way to other people.

今日楼台鼎鼐,明年带砺山河。Today, Ding Nai, next year with a sandstone mountains and rivers.

我们的学校位于九山河畔,离松台山不远。Our school stands by the Jiushan River, not far from the Songtai Hill.

山河展笑,一心若羽,开启了明媚的春意。Mountains and rivers show smile, one feather, opened the bright spring.

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我爱它,美丽的山河,饱了多山人的眼福!I love it, beautiful mountains and rivers, eat the treat, multi-Yamahito!

俯视山河平原绿,万紫千红人笑颜。Overlooking the mountains and rivers plain green, and colorful people smile.

日前,我市前山河一河两岸滨水区规划方案正式出台。The Qianshanhe River Waterfronts Scheming plan was formally publicized recently.

中国屹立世东方,山河壮丽龙人传。Oriental Bank of China tower, the magnificent mountains and rivers Long Biographies.

当我们山河破碎时,你们的军队闯进来要求“公平瓜分”。When We were falling apart, You marched in your troops and wanted your "fair share".

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温家宝说,巴基斯坦山河壮美,资源丰富,文化底蕴深厚。Wen said Pakistan is a beautiful land rich in natural resources and cultural heritage.

他一生喜好游览,每遇胜景皆有题咏,写下大量描绘祖国山河、形象生动、风格遒劲的山水诗。He liked sightseeing. When he met across good scenery, he wrote it down. So in his life.

那一次我游历山河,不为故景,只为途中与你重逢。That time I travel far and wide, not for the sceneries, but to reunite with you on the way.