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甚者可发生脓毒败血症。May have the pus poisonous septicaemia really.

尤有甚者,韩战从未真正结束过。What's more, the Korean War has never officially ended.

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更甚者,歧视是不明智的,今天。And what's more, the discrimination comes from the unwisdom. Nowadays.

更甚者,你可以通过自我催眠来减轻你身体的紧张度。Further still, you can use self-hypnosis to ease tension in your body.

许多人认为这是正确的,更甚者奉此为真理。Many people hold this as true, though some hold it to a greater extent than others.

甚者更仿照抽丁的办法,发招牌,明什么“征兵制度”。Worse more along the lines of pumping small way, made signs, that what "conscription."

我简直不敢相信我要参加苏格兰式的婚礼,甚者是我阿姨的婚礼。I can't believe that i gonna take part in the Scotish wedding, even is my aunt wedding.

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至其甚者,虽善洋语,译之为本邦则不能。To its worse, although good foreign language translation of the oriented state can not.

更甚者,有些电视和无线电发射台非法使用该无线电频段。Making matters worse, some TV and radio transmitters were illegally using that radio band.

更甚者,以这辆轿车来运货,那真是不堪入目。More very person, will carry with this car goods, that is to enter order extremely really.

更甚者,你可以通过Kiva网站,在贫困区贷放企业资金。You can even go as far as loaning entrepreneurs money in poverty stricken areas by using sites like Kiva.

尤有甚者,最近一项调查发现,五分之一美国企业今年将不开派对。What is more, a recent survey found that one-fifth of U. S. businesses are not having 2008 holi -day parties.

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更甚者,一如全球其它投资者,我们季内的投资回报亦显著下滑。More worrying still last season was a sharp fall in our investment income, in common with all global investors.

在比德加内的阿尔贾迪尔导弹基地发生了一次大爆炸,这次强烈的爆炸甚者震动了30英里外的德黑兰的窗玻璃。The blast at the Alghadir missile base at Bid Ganeh was so powerful it rattled windows 30 miles away in Tehran.

尤有甚者,这种认知能力的优势看来是长期的,可持续至母鼠进入老年期。What is more, the cognitive benefits appear to be long-lasting, persisting until the mother rats enter old age.

许多品牌也在大陆的陈列上犯下错误,铺上上一季的产品线,或甚者是去年的。Many brands also make the mistake of stocking shelves on the mainland with last season's lineup, or even last year's.

对复杂空间的营造一直是刘玉洁绘画中所体现的,这种营造在图像上表现出一种梦幻与想象,甚者表现出更多童事的印迹。In Liu YuJie's painting, the complex background gives us a dreamlike image which is mostly the recalling of her childhood.

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更甚者,一份2005年的研究发现,这些蛋白质粉和饮料的消费者主要是12至18岁的人群。What's more, a 2005 study found that protein powders and shakes were the supplements most commonly used by those aged 12 to 18.

任何滥用九九九服务均会浪费警方的时间及资源,更甚者会影响其服务的效率。Any abuse of the hotline service will result in a waste of time and resources, and will adversely affect its overall efficiency.

你甚者可以将它改头换面,用这个技术创作其他的形状——六面体、瓶子、圆柱,要爽由你自己了。You can even overhaul the whole shape and apply this technique to many other figures – hexahedrons, bottles, cylinders and so on!