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从乐理上说八个更合适一些Better say eight in music.

今天去考乐理考试了。I went for my AMusTCL exam today.

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我对日本乐理不太内行。I'm not very good at Japanese music.

乐理就是音乐理论,是学习音乐的基础课程。Musical theory is the basic course of learning music.

乐理,听力,技术,作曲,即兴。Theory, Aural, Technique, Song Writting, Improvisation Ideas.

我不懂乐理知识,所以我说不出什么是和音。I do not know the music theory, so I can not say what is the chord.

本人亦能任教木结他和电结他的技巧及乐理。I can teach whole skills and principles of acoustic and electric guitar.

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新英格兰音乐学院,成年教育附校,波士顿,乐理,小号。Music theory, trumpet, New England Conservatory, Adult Learning Division.

如果你能通读这里所有的口琴课程,你就会发现其中包含了很多很多的音乐乐理知识。最后祝你好运!If you read all of the lessons, you will find that there is a lot of useful music theory in them.

专业课程不仅包括乐理﹑音乐史﹑教育学还包括实际的演出经验培训。Coursework includes not only music theory, music history, and pedagogy, but actual performance experience.

明确概念之内涵,是“建立我们自己的基本乐理”所面临的首要问题。To define the connotation of the conception is the chiefly issue face to set up our own basic music theory.

谢乐尔的母亲是一位钢琴教师,因此谢乐尔和她的两个姐姐都通晓乐理就不足为奇了。Her mom is a piano teacher, so it's no wonder that Sheryl, and her two sisters, were all musically literate.

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音乐教学著重于乐理、音乐学以及课堂上应用的技巧。The MusM curriculum focuses on music theory and musicology—and techniques for applying them in the classroom.

中国传统乐学理论中的“旋宫转调”不同于“西洋乐理”中的“转调”。“Transition and modulation in Chinese traditional music theories differ from modulation in western music theories.

为了使学生在有限的时间里能顺利地学习乐理知识,获得音乐学习的综合能力。In order to make students in the limited time can successfully learning music knowledge, get music learning ability.

学习乐理是很有趣的,这也是成为演奏家的最好方法,无论你想弹流行、爵士还是经典。Learning music theory is fun and is the best way to become a great musician, whether you want to play classical, jazz or pop.

学生藉着频繁的观赏作业,学习辨识舞蹈设计中的视觉、乐理、动线架构。Frequent viewing assignments will help students identify visual, musical, and kinesthetic underpinnings of choreographic structure.

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如果你会写歌,你可以不走这条路,但如果你要创作,那就得了解基本乐理。If you can write songs, you won't always look this way or sound this way, but you'll have a foundation, if you can create something.

本考级预备课程系列为不同程度的学生而设,以备考英皇第五级乐理考级。This series of examination preparation courses prepare students with varying background to sit the ABRSM Grade 5 theory examination.

我们欢迎合唱音乐爱好者,及对正统声乐有兴趣,音准,有基本乐理常识,有相当视唱听音能力的朋友参加。We welcome any one passionate about choral music with basic knowledge in music theory, moderate sight-singing ability to come to auditions.