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他说,“毛毛虫被完全分解成汁水,然后再重新组合起来。”And then it starts again.

毛毛虫这个角色不好!The Caterpillar is a loser part.

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交通就像毛毛虫一样在蠕动!The traffic just moves like a worm!

毛毛虫首先开腔了。The Caterpillar was the first to speak.

我是否应该厌恶毛毛虫?Should I feel revulsion at caterpillars?

看那边的毛毛虫多可爱啊!What lovely caterpillars are over there!

摩根士丹利是一只正在变形的毛毛虫。Morgan Stanley is a caterpillar in metamorphosis.

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以前它还是一只毛毛虫,后来,它变态了。Before it is a caterpillar, and later, it perverts the.

从卵壳里钻出一条又瘦又饿的毛毛虫。Out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar.

毛毛虫最终将蜕变成一只蝴蝶。The caterpillar will eventually metamorphose into a butterfly.

让我们让毛毛虫蜕变成自由的蝴蝶吧!Come out of hiding all you caterpillars in become free butterflies!

然后它们会寻路冲破毛毛虫体外开始做茧。They bite their way out of the caterpillar and begin spinning cocoons.

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出生时,毛毛虫是黄黑相间的。At the very beginning of his life, the caterpillar is yellow and black.

研究人员很好奇毛毛虫体内的流质究竟是如何运动的。Researchers were interested in how fluids move around inside a caterpillar.

他说,“毛毛虫被完全分解成汁水,然后再重新组合起来。”" and he said, "The caterpillar is totally broken down into a kind of soup.

「一般而言,毛毛虫的颜色愈深,冬季气候就愈严寒,」克瑞格说。As a rule, the blacker the caterpillar, the harsher the winter, " said Krege."

福达果真看到树上爬满了瘦小而饥饿的毛毛虫。Faldan could see that, in fact, the tree was full of small, hungry caterpillars.

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曾经连着三个月,里克在休息时吃毛毛虫来取悦大家。During a three-month period, Rick entertained us by eating caterpillars during recess.

教堂里每个人都静下来,安静到连一只毛毛虫的蠕动的声音都能听见。Everyone in the cathedral was silent. It was quiet enough to hear a caterpillar crawl.

有的毛毛虫长大变成蝴蝶,有的像毛虫一样蠕动的东西长成蛾子。Some caterpillars grow into butterflies. Other wormlike wriggling things become moths.