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疯狂英语集训营是什么?What is intensive training camp?

集训营就是乐成故事的起点!Training camp is where success stories start!

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我会告诉他们你去参加网球集训营了。I could tell them that you went to tennis camp.

阿内尔卡在当天晚上就离开了法国队集训营。Anelka left the Team France Camp on the same evening.

“我们都知道今年夏天要集训,”科朗吉诺说。"We knew we were coming back this summer, " Colangelo said.

噢,三个月前,我们一起加入了猖狂英语集训营。Oh, we attended Crazy English Camp together three months ago.

您对成功的项目管理集训这门课期望的是什么?What is your expectation of the course of Project Management?

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贝克汉稍早时曾表示,他很期待这次集训。Beckham said earlier that he was looking forward to the session.

你可以把它当做赛前集训、赛后冷静反思,甚至恢训练。It can be a workout, a cool down, and even a restorative practice.

总体而言,这是很久以来最好的一次季前集训伤病报告。Overall, this has been the best pre-season medically for a long time.

我这个暑假要参加疯狂英语强化集训营。I'm going to take the Crazy English Intensive Training Camp this summer.

我们全家今年夏天要一起去参加疯狂英语集训营。My family is going to the Crazy English Training Camp together this summer.

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今年夏天我们全家一起去洛基英语集训营。My family is going to the Rocky English Training Camp together this summer.

我将会成为未来领袖英语集训营项目推广总经理。I will be the manager of the project "Future Leader's English Training Camp".

瑞士集训日受到积极的效果,集训课程队内气氛融融。Switzerland was very positive and the training sessions had a good intensity.

能够出去参加集训是我的一个殊荣,这说明了老板正在关注着我。It was a privilege to be out there, just knowing the Boss is taking note of you.

球队现在很放松,这是我们最后的集训了。The squad is relaxed ahead of the game, as we were during the last training camp.

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希望一次好的赛前集训可以给我们一个好的开局,因为我们需要一个好的开局。Hopefully a good pre-season can give us a good start because we need a good start.

曼城将会再次奔赴北美作为新赛季的赛前集训。Manchester City will once again visit North America for their pre-season training camp.

这名16岁中场球员在季前集训期间闯进了阿森纳一线队。The 16-year-old midfielder burst into the Arsenal first-team picture during pre-season.