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狒狒通常会猎捕花豹。Baboons usually hunt leopards.

这项研究的对象是南非大狒狒。It's a study of the chacma baboon.

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辛巴像他的父亲一样拥抱狒狒拉菲其。He hugged Rafiki as his father did.

另一项研究显示狒狒能解忧。Another showed bereavement in baboons.

狒狒会折断侧枝和顶梢。Baboons could break branches and leaders.

狒狒无形中成了他们的向导。The baboon has become their unwilling guide.

狒狒把什么储存在腮帮子里?What do baboons keep in their cheek pouches?

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该工具包同样有制服狒狒进犯的办法。The toolkit also has ideas to control baboons.

因此,他们总是帮助独身的雌性狒狒。So they often befriend individual females instead.

现在,又有新的研究表明,这样的规律也适用于狒狒。Now a new analysis shows the same is true for baboons.

狒狒惧怕蛇,也有很好的记忆力。Baboons have a fear of snakes. They also have good memories.

只要狒狒紧抓住想要的东西不放手,它就会被牢牢困住。As long as the baboon holds on to what it wants, it's trapped.

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这是一张埃塞俄比亚高地一只坐着的狮尾狒狒的肖像照片。A gelada monkey sits for a portrait in the Ethiopian highlands.

在这里,火烈鸟和狒狒在博戈尼亚湖和谐相处。The flamingos and baboons here at Lake Bogoria live in harmony.

他两次目睹群豹向毫无戒备的小狒狒猛扑过去。Twice he had seen leopards pouncing on unsuspecting young baboons.

一只雄性狒狒露出了尖牙和有力的齿龈,这使它看上去相当的暴戾。With fangs bared and gums blazing, a male gelada looks tough enough.

狒狒头部硕大,有颊囊,鼻口部狭长似狗。Baboons have a large head, cheek pouches, and a long, doglike muzzle.

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小狒狒三个月大时就可以骑在妈妈背上了。Once they're three months old, geladas ride their mothers jockey-style.

比如,母狒狒和母猩猩就都会在快要排卵时变成红色。Female baboons and chimpanzees redden when nearing ovulation, for example.

一头母狒狒携子于日落时分经过埃塞俄比亚高原。A female gelada carries her baby through the Ethiopian highlands at sunset.