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然则如之何而可?Then, what is to be done?

然则幸子却模棱两可。But luckily the son but ambiguity.

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然则时至今日,也许更不像样。Yet in these times he might have done much worse.

然则我鼻子上长这个大芳华痘看起来好蠢啊。But I look so stupid with this big zit on my nose.

然则这时紫怡的声音传来。But does the voice of purple Yi spread at this time.

然则,这只熊猫在中国拥罕见百万粉丝。However, the panda has won million of fans in China.

然则国之老少,又无定形,而实随国民之心力以为消长者也。Likewise, the age of a nation is not something fixed.

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虽然我的同桌出缺陷,然则我认为他是个好同桌。Although my deskmate defect, but I think he is a good partner.

然则,要记着只要诟谇键的合奏能力弹出美好的音乐。But remember both keys are played together to give sweet music.

惊破天战败,然则某种神秘力量开始修复他受损意识。Galvatron is defeated, but something begins to repair his mind.

体会永远是免费高的学校,然则,笨汉非进此学校不可。Experience keeps a dear school, yet fools will learn in no other.

丁克家庭是指有双份工资然则没有孩子的家庭。DINK families refer to families that have dual income and no kids.

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然则欧盟的设计师连选择第二套方案的智商也没有。But the architects did not even have the brains to choose the second.

然则,如来死后为非存在、又非不存在耶?。Well then, does the Tathagata neither exist nor not exist after death?

然则物之形貌,每决于何择于转折也。But the substance of morphology, each in turn choose in what should also.

我们定要在有所为、有所不为方面给自己设定界限,不然则注定会越来越感到绝望。We need to set boundaries for ourselves, or be doomed to mounting despair.

我再房间里发现一个沾满铜锈然则能唱国歌的音乐盒。In one room, I found a rusty bronze music box that plays the National anthem.

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然则窗边的空隙上,她闻声有东西在来回坚定。Yet in the space near the window, she heard and saw something plunging to and fro.

我开了很长工夫的车,然则只要喝杯茶,我就急速又精力奋起了。It"s been a long drive but give me a cup of tea and I"ll soon feel fresh as a daisy.

然则在转移物资之前,还有更主要的事,那就是和秦天罡、小满。But before the transfer of goods, there is a major thing, that is and qin plough, grain full.