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他是个新手,对此工作尚还生疏。He is still gren at this job.

他是个新手,对此工作尚还生疏。He is still green at this job.

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我的高尔夫球技有些生疏了。I'm a little rusty at golfing.

一个星期可能会让你对你的工具生疏。Once a week let go of your tools.

他们中的大部分人对我们还感到生疏。To most of them, we were still strangers.

所以你觉得这本书的语言太生疏了。So, you feel the language is out of practice.

他怎么能在此道中手艺生疏而落后呢?How can he in this strange and backward in technology?

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我板球曾打得很好,可惜现在已生疏了。I used to be good at cricket, but now I'm out of practice.

谨慎生疏人,另有不要走内助的英语怎么写太远,可以吗?。Watch out for strangers, and don't go too far away. All right?

生在南国自幼主食稻米,对面食有些生疏。Born in the south from staple food rice, for some strange pasta.

他带着生疏感和距离感面对死亡。He faces his death with a feeling of alienation and being alone.

我的脚底摇摇晃晃。因为我对这还有些生疏,而且,我还不够强壮。My feet teetered there, I'm new to this and am not so strong yet.

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和爱的人吵架,和生疏人道口里话。And love of people quarrel, and the strangers speak from the heart.

在如此之多的生疏人面前讲话,那个女孩子很是局促不安。The girl was very embarrassed to speak in front of so many strangers.

自尊是影响高中生疏离感的重要因素。The self-esteem is the main factor effecting the sense of alienation.

除非你能经常练习钢琴,不然你会很快感到生疏。You can soon get out of practice unless you play the piano regularly.

我没想到他能够自如地移动,我以为这么长时间没有打球,他的球技会生疏。I figured, that long of a layoff in this game? I thought he'd be rusty.

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吕庄主尊敬不已,妙戈却觉得生疏,还提到乐儿。Lv Zhuang advocate respect, wonderful feel unfamiliar, also mention fun.

“小小说”的作者对于写作技巧大都是生疏的。The authors of the "little stories" are mostly new to the art of writing.

那两个生疏人交谈起来就像是多年的老冤家。The two strangers talked as if they had been good friends for many years.