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茄科的木本的澳大利亚属。An australian genus of woody plants of the family urticaceae.

为世界著名干果及木本油料树种,我国新疆是世界上32个巴旦杏产地之一。There are 32 countries producing this kind of nut fruits in the world.

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温暖气候下沿海或河口的木本沼泽以红树林为主。Coastal and estuarine swamps in warm climates are dominated by MANGROVES.

福建山樱花为著名的木本观赏花卉,现在人们对其研究甚少。Cerasus campanulata was a famous woody flower species and was seldom research on it.

在一片新开辟的森林疆土中,巴尔沙树永远是其中最高的木本类植物。Wherever there is new terrain, Ochroma is the first tall, woody plant to colonize it.

这香水妇女共混木本暗示,菠萝和柑桔同一件轻而易举的海洋空气。This perfume for women blends woody hints, pineapple and citrus with a breeze of ocean air.

浙江省松阳县野生木本观赏植物资源十分丰富,具有较高的开发利用价值。Songyang County is rich in wild woody ornamental plants, which is of great value to develop.

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野生木本巴特波动,提高了农业在北达科他州的大约30年的牛。Wild swings Woody Barth has been farming and raising cattle in North Dakota for about 30 years.

枣树作为吴堡的传统树种,被称之为“铁杆庄稼”、“木本粮食”。As the traditional fruit tree in Wubu, Chinese Date is called "iron set crops" and "woody grain".

乌柏是中国四大木本油料之一,种子含油量较高。Sapium sebiferum is one of the four wooden oil plants in China. Its seeds contain a high oil content.

对中国大力发展木本油料生产生物柴油的意义进行了展望。The significance of the development of bio-diesel from woody oil-bearing plants in China was discussed.

木本护坡植物要比草皮有明显的吸水作用,紫穗槐表现的更加明显。The effect of absorbing water of woody plants is more obvious than that of turf, especially for Amorpha.

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乌桕是我国特有的四大木本油料树种之一,本研究用磁性固体催化剂催化乌桕梓油制备生物柴油。The method of preparing biodiesel from Chinese tallow kernel oil was studied by nanometer magnetic solid catalyst.

对我国常见野生木本蔬菜资源进行了统计,共36科73种。The resources of general and wild woody vegetables in China were incompletely counted up 36 families 73 specieses.

葡萄通常为木本蔓生植物,藉卷须攀缘,在干旱地区可以长成近乎直立的灌木。The grape is usually a woody vine, climbing by means of tendrils. In arid regions it may form an almost erect shrub.

黄连木作为木本油料树种,被国家林业局列为生物柴油原料林基地培育的优先树种。And Chinese pistache is one of the woody biomass and has been selected priority tree to construct bio-diesel basement.

浅木本色的天花板造型,是为了配合地面的强化木地板拼花设计,并和橱柜相协调。Naturallight wood ceiling molding is inline with laminate flooring parquet floor design and coordination and cabinets.

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对中国传统插花中经常使用的木本切花如何在现代生产中的发展进行了分析。It is analysed to develop ligneous cutting flower used of Chinese traditional flower arrangement in current production.

在对上古森林的研究中,新近清理出的化石将木本的出现向前推进了至少一千万年的时间。Talk about an old-growth forest. Newly described fossils push back the appearance of wood by at least 10 million years.

动物对低单宁、高蛋白质、可消化率高的木本豆科牧草具有较高的采食率和活增重。Animals could get higher intake rate and liveweight gain when fed shrub legumes with low tannins, high protein and IVDMD.