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立拓·上海城,在此交集。Lituo·Shanghai-city , in this intersection.

最接近的交集是阿拉珀霍和约旦。The closest intersection is Arapahoe & Jordan.

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他羞愤交集地回到家里,怒火满腔。He went home ashamed and indignant, full of rage.

悲欣交集,回到座位,周围的同学们正在埋头研阅经论。I went back to my seat with both sorrow and happiness.

正婷羞怒交集,怨一介弄脏晚装。Is d. give a intersection, blame the humble dirty gown.

你才能与渴望的交集就是你内心的激情。Intersection of your talents and desires is your “blue flame”.

就这样是隔了一段期间才又开始跟朱妈妈有了交集。It's been a while, and then our life started cross to each other.

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交集就像是一道切线。切点已经很远看不见。There is someone, whom I encouter by missing and having missed him.

交集的处理并不像它首次出现那么易于理解。The process of Intersection is perhaps not as obvious as it first appears.

虽不在有交集,心却无法停止对你的依赖。Although there is overlap, the heart but not to stop the dependence of you.

渐近线,那是一条无限接近却没有交集的线。Asymptote, which is infinitely close to but not an intersection of the line.

它源自不同活动领域的交集。It arises from the intersections of different fields or spheres of activity.

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那些深深浅浅的交集,只是一枚不需诠释的岁月印迹!Those deeply shallow intersection, just a without annotation time imprinting!

结果集是每种规范的结果集的交集。The resulting set will be the intersection of the resulting sets of each spec.

第三类,前指词的典型场景与先行词的典型场景有交集。The last one is that the prototypic scenarios of anaphor and antecedent overlap.

在一个交集寥寥的治理体系中,上述诸类心猿意马的许诺终于达到高潮。The various promises culminated in a lowest-common-denominator governance regime.

所以我这两个工作的交集在于,能够找到让学生参与进来的方式。So my intersection comes with finding ways to be involved with students on campus.

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过程模型是为两个当前系统和两者的交集开发的。Process models are developed for both current systems and the intersection of both.

假设你有朋友觉得你现在跟他们的生活基本没有交集了。Let's say you have a friend who doesn't believe that you're in their life very much.

除了在学校偶遇打个照面,他们的生活很少有交集。In addition to the school to make a face to face encounter, their lives rarely intersect.