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茂密的森林环抱着那个村庄。A thick forest girdled the village about.

该市由高山环抱。The city is beset with towering mountains.

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丘陵低峦环抱该市。Gentle rolling hills girdled the city about.

他环抱着回廊那潮湿的柱子。He coiled around the moist cloister pillars.

幸运的是,我居住的地方被森林环抱。I'm lucky enough to live surrounded by woods.

高大的树木环抱著王宫。The palace was girdled around with tall trees.

它可以从他环抱你的手臂的宽度看出。It is seen in the width of his arms that encircle you.

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环抱绿树奖项是一项环境友好的认证。The "Tree-hugger Award" is recognition of eco-friendliness.

斜射的阳光以光轮环抱电视塔。The slanting rays of the sun aureoled the television tower.

清水石墙环抱着野花丛生的墓地。A drystone wall enclosed a graveyard where wildflowers grew.

庄园主宅第是一栋环抱在美丽的花园中的大理石房子。The manor is a marble house surrounded by a beautiful garden.

他们来到小天井,这里四周由古老的红墙环抱。They came to the little court, which was shut in by old red walls.

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四处灌木锦簇,环抱着整个城市。All around, the beauty of the bush enfolds the city in its embrace.

它三面被崇山峻岭环抱,海拔2483米。It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, altitude 2483 meters.

三面群山环抱,境内四水贯流。Surrounded by mountains on three sides, inside the four water flow.

只不过推前一步,他们老爸,却属于杂草环抱的。Only decades ago, their fathers had to live amid weeds and thistles.

整个墓地在苍松翠柏环抱中,庄严肃穆。The entire cemetery in Cangsong Cuibai surrounded in solemn silence.

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他们在一处高山环抱的度假胜地度过了假期。They spent their holidays at a resort beset with towering mountains.

香台拖着香灰如同大地环抱着落叶。The holder supports its ashes just like the ground holds falling leaves.

山为环形的破火山口洼地环抱着。The mountain is encircled by the doughnut-shaped depression of the caldera.