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敢问还有多少企业能望其项背?How many other companies can say that?

亚马逊能提供大量附加资源,在这点上,巴诺难以望其项背。Amazon brings a lot of extras to the table that Barnes &Noble simply can't.

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1995年,当电子商务在西方诞生之时,中国只能望其项背。When Western e-commerce was born in 1995, China could only watch with admiration.

这部标志性的影片受到的如潮赞誉使其他作品难以望其项背。The landmark film received tremendous accolades, more than any previous films to date.

但是,倘若将微软和雅虎加在一起,其规模即使是谷歌也难望其项背。Put it together with Yahoo, however, and you have a scale that even Google can\'t match.

传统的非专家百科全书肯定不能望其项背,甚至还可能倒闭。Traditional non-specialist encyclopedias will simply be irrelevant, and probably bankrupt.

获奖无数的广告大奖,凉爽的中村俊辅的生命生活大多数男人只能望其项背。Winning numerous advertising awards, the cool Shunsuke lives a life most men only dream of.

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所以日本现在拥有全球顶尖的汽车环保技术,而中国目前还难以望其项背。Thus Japan now leads the world in green-car technology, and China is not likely to catch up.

上赛季曼联打得不好,但其他球队也只能望其项背。Even last year when United were slipping up, no team was strong enough to take advantage of it.

这些马套从马项背压下,从而限制了马的全力。These harnesses press back on the neck of the horse thus limiting the full strength of the animal.

她的索引遍及95亿个网页,凭此,今天的网络世界中的其他任何搜索引擎也难以望其项背。She indexes over 9.5 billion WebPages, which is more than any other search engine on the web today.

庄子和陶渊明就是这么一类人物,他们的精神简朴纯正,非渺小的人所能望其项背。Such a one is Chuangtse, and such a one is Tao Yuanming, whose simplicity of spirit is the despair of smaller men.

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这对姊妹拥有令其他选手都难以望其项背的巨大力量和对体育运动的极度热爱。What both sisters possess to a degree unapproachable by their colleagues is immense power and glorious athleticism.

这对姊妹拥有令其他选手都难以望其项背的巨大力量和对体育运动的极度热爱。What both sisters possess to a degree unapproachable by their colleagues is immense power and glorious13 athleticism.

数年后他曾说,他这辈子除了音乐可谓是一事无成,但单单就在这音乐里,他却达到了令无数人无法望其项背的高度。In later years he voiced the idea that he had failed at everything in life except music, but in that he was preeminent.

如果把政府的投入和银行雪崩般的放贷加起来看,中国的刺激直让美国难望其项背。China's stimulus, if you combine money from the government with an avalanche of bank loans, dwarfs that in the United States.

这是一本共848页给人印象深刻的书,但却因不匪的价格使得许多渴望更好了解这一学科的人望其项背。It is an impressive 848 pages but at its high price, remains inaccessible to most who want to understand the discipline better.

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本赛季是范尼加盟皇马的第3个赛季,他每场0.69个进球的效率使得很多的前锋都只能望其项背。This season is Fannie allies the Realmadrid's 3rd season, his each 0.69 goal's efficiency enables many vanguards only to follow.

举个例子来说,我毕业于科罗拉多学院,这个小型的文科学院尽管还算受人青睐,但绝对不能望斯坦福大学的项背。For example, I graduated from Colorado College, a small liberal arts institution that is admired but, needless to say, is no Stanford.

宋代马政虽重视并且不断改革,然落实到马政的根本目的与实际效果上,实难望唐代之项背。In Song dynasty horse administration was stressed and made some reform but it hardly reached the same goal and actual effect as Tang did.