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他的眼球充血。His eyeballs are congested.

眼睛充血了怎么办?How did the eye congest to do?

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他们的眼睛肿胀充血。Their eyes bulging and bloodshot.

全都盯着他,瞪着充血的双眼。With bloodshot eyes upon him stared.

用充血的笑声填塞这洞穴!Fill the cave with bloodshot laughter!

谁也不曾合上他充血的眼睛None closed his bloodshot eyes but sought

眼部通常会变红,充血。Eyes usually get become red and bloodshot.

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滴鼻剂常可缓解鼻腔充血。Nose drops often relieve nasal congestion.

肾间质血管充血。Hyperemia was found in the kidney mesenchyme.

不,不能,姑娘,我的眼睛都为你充血了。No, no, babe, I got blood in my eyes for you.

异搏定可导致心脏充血困难…Verapamil can cause congestive heart failure.

她的肠将相当经常充血,我害怕。Her bowel will engorge quite often, I'm afraid.

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嗨,嗨,姑娘,我的眼睛都为你充血了。Hey, hey, babe, I got blood in my eyes for you.

苦涩的滴剂或喷剂亦可缓解充血。Saline nose drops or sprays also ease congestion.

子宫、卵巢组织发生不同程度的增生与充血。Hyperplasia and hyperemia existed in matrix and ovary.

您的眼睛有些充血发红,这些症状持续多长时间了?Your eyes seem to have hyperemia. How long has it been?

眼睛充血·怎么办?不知道到底是什么?How does eye hyperaemia · do? What is knowing after all?

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他的眼睛充血,四围布满血丝,也没有剃脸。His eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot, his face unshaven.

性器官变得膨胀起来,也就是说性器官充血。The sex organs become tumescent, i. e. engorged with blood.

急性期病人颜面充血呈樱桃红色。Hyperaemia of face of acute period patient shows cherry red.