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你也能照相缩小。You can photo-reduce.

我将给它照相。I am going to graph this.

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我照相老是照不好。I always photograph badly.

她照相总是上镜头。She always photographs well.

进到大头贴照相亭。Go into a sticker photo booth.

我用D90和D700照相。I shoot with a D90 and a D700.

价格虽然高但是这是一款高性能照相手机。But this is a high-feature camera phone.

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这架照相讥装有一只电眼。This camera is equipped with a magic eye.

他通过照相复制了那副油画。He reproduced the painting by photography.

对照相来说天太暗了。It's getting too dark to take photographs.

照相凹版的一种印刷故障。A printing defect occurred in photogravure.

你可以照相,但不可以用闪光灯!You can take pictures,but no flashes please!

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照相排版机的圆盘字模板。A circular grid in a phototypesetting machine.

我知道这附近有测速照相。I know there are some speed traps in this area.

全家聚集在一起照相。The family grouped together for the photograph.

一个当地人让我在他的骆驼上照相。A local offered to take my picture on his camel.

恩,有些时候游客还给我们照相,我很喜欢。En, sometimes the visitors photo us . I like it.

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他告诉照相的人别再缠著他。He told the photographers to stop pestering him.

我那可怜的爹告诉我,他曾搞过一间银板照相的暗室。Poor papa's daguerreotype atelier he told me of.

金属活字为照相排版所代替。Metal type has been replaced by photocomposition.