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在自然界中,泰加是吃鱼的。Tegus eat fish in nature also.

对一个贪婪者,整个自然界都嫌小。For greed, all nature is too little.

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和那些少量金属元素一样,自然界里铋生成量很少。Bismuth occurs very rarely in nature.

对他来说,这个历历可见的自然界是若有若无的。Visible nature hardly existed for him.

铝在自然界从不以游离态存在。Never is aluminum found free in nature.

自然界的神奇衬映出人的渺小。The magic of nature's small lining shone.

自然界能唤醒人的本能。Secondly, nature can waken man's instinct.

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氢是自然界中最轻元素。Hydrogen is the lightest element in nature.

我开始认识到自然界是如何攻克这个难题的。I began to see how nature beat this problem.

自然界每一王国都充满了智慧。Each kingdom in nature is filled with wisdom.

一般说来,媒染剂可以在自然界找到。Traditionally, mordants were found in nature.

戊糖醛酸还未在自然界中发现。Penturonic acids have not been found in nature.

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她喜欢看爱情片和自然界节目。She likes romantic films and nature programmes.

野生自然界为这两种观点都提供了证据。The wilds of nature hold evidence for both views.

手性是自然界的本质属性之一。Chirality is a fundamental property of the nature.

植物器官脱落是自然界普遍的现象。An abscission zone occurs at the base of the organ.

动物也能将调谐其它来自自然界的线索。Animals are also tuned into other cues from nature.

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这些油脂是人造的的和在自然界中是不存在的。These fats are man-made and do not exist in nature.

然而,珊瑚礁也是自然界厮杀的战场。Coral reefs, however, are also natural battlefields.

反应扩散体系在自然界中是无处不在的。Reaction-diffusion systems are ubiquitous in nature.