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在Swype上,打标点有些小奇怪。Punctuation is a little strange with Swype.

“第三天我则用来找一些备用的标点”。The third day is spent looking for back-ups.

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用适当的语法、标点和拼写。Use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

于是,标点成了不同罇文化的标志。Punctuation thus becomes the signatrire of cultures.

中文标点和英文的有很多不同。Chinese and English punctuation have many differences.

其他标点是有形标点,空符是无形标点。In contrast to the other punctuations, it is invisible.

突发的黄色标点的仙人掌在曼萨尼约,墨西哥。Bursts of yellow punctuate a cactus in Manzanillo , Mexico.

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标点方面,也每见错乱。As for its punctuations, the confusion could be easily seen.

在标点时,“四蜀”应该是一专有名词。So we should take it as a term when punctuating the word "Sishu".

换言之,就是需要一个不带空格、标点等字符的字符串。In other words, you need a string with no spaces, punctuation, etc.

确认你的标点、语法、拼写是绝对正确的。Make certain your punctuation, spelling and grammar are letter-perfect.

顺便说下,你蹩脚的英语和对标点的乱用暴露了你是个中国小白。Your broken english and poor punctuation outs you as a chinese troll BTW.

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不要试图规划句子和段落或担心标点对错。Don't try to formulate sentences or paragraphs or worry about punctuation.

史前海域之测量方法是利用星辰和设立陆、海域标点作为定方位的依据。Survey of prehistorical seas was based upon stars and land and sea points.

测验内容不包括标点,标以重音符号的字母或其他符号。The test will not include punctuations, accented letters or other symbols.

在代码中,每一个“单词”都长达12个字母,除非是中间有标点隔开。In the code, each 'word' is twelve letters long, unless there is punctuation.

注意句子的语法和标点都正确。Make sure that the sentence is grammatically correct and punctuated correctly.

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避免使用括号、连字符此类复杂标点。Avoid the use of complicated punctuation marks such as parentheses and hyphens.

注意标点,特别是逗号和句号的正确使用方法。Pay attention to punctuation, especially to the correct use of commas and periods.

其中包括标点、文字、史实、时误等方面的考证。It includes punctuation, writing, history, time in error in such areas as research.