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我会以伪证罪被拘禁。That I would be held under arrest for perjury.

假如立誓之后还撒谎,你可能被判伪证罪。If you lie while you are under oath , you can be found guilty of perjury.

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纽约大陪审团指控他犯有两项伪证罪。The federal grand jury in New York indicted him on two counts of perjury.

如果判了我爸伪证罪,我们还能起诉那家伤害我爸的人吗?If sentenced to my dad perjury , we can prosecute That hurt my dad's people?

本文还分析了伪证罪的概念和构成特征。The third chapter analyzes the concept and constitutional characteristics of perjury.

本文基于对这几个方面的分析,主张伪证罪不应扩展到民事诉讼中。Based on these analyses, it is observed that perjury charge is not applicable in civil cases.

于是他被定罪为伪证罪和妨碍司法公正罪,同时判处34个月有期徒刑。He was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice, and sentenced to 34 months in prison.

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在我国刑法中,伪证罪侵犯的客体应该是国家司法机关刑事诉讼的正常活动。In our criminal law, crime of perjure encroaches on the normal criminal procedure of justice.

根据加利福尼亚州法律关于伪证罪的规定,本人声明前述内容是真实和正确的。I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.

鉴于伪证行为具有严重的社会危害性,目前世界多数国家的刑法中都规定了伪证罪。In view of the acts of perjury with serious social harm, most countries in the world of criminal law provisions are perjury.

本人证明,以下内容是真实和正确的,如有不实依照加利福尼亚州法律甘受伪证罪之罚。I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is ture and correct.

基于此,本文希望通过对这些问题的研究,以有助于将来对伪证罪的完善和发展。Basing on this, letterpress hopes to help to the development and perfectness of perjury crime by the research of these problems.

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增设“民事行政伪证罪”是法制建设、健全和配套的需要。So it is necessary for legal construction and perfection to establish offense of giving false civil and administrative testimony.

据台湾媒体报道,台北地检署2日以教唆伪证罪起诉陈水扁。The Taipei district prosecutor's office indicted former leader Chen Shui-bian Tuesday for subornation of perjury, local media reported.

文章通过分析“律师伪证罪”所带来的负面影响,提出取消刑法中“律师伪证罪”这一罪名的观点。Some are suspected of being guilty and called to account. This article suggested abolishing "the perjury of lawyer", for it makes much negative impact.

但是,为了政治目的做假证、利用媒体造谣就属于犯了蔑视宪法罪、欺诈罪、伪证罪甚至于叛国罪。However, any attempt to falsify evidence and engage in a media cover-up for political purposes constitutes tampering, fraud, perjury and possibly treason.

兹本人证明本申请内容准确、完善,如有不实,甘愿严守誓言或当受伪证罪之罚。I certify under penalty of perjury, or after first being duly sworn, that I have provided complete and accurate responses to the items on this application.

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传统犯罪构成四分论在区别伪证罪与诬告陷害罪这一重要问题上,引发了诸多争议。The quartered separating method of traditional criminal constitution distinguishes perjury crime and implication crime, which brings about a lot of disputes.

亚拉巴马州的理查德·谢尔比、华盛顿州的斯莱德·戈顿、阿拉斯加州的特德·史蒂文、田纳西州的弗雷德·汤普森、弗吉尼亚州的约翰·沃纳投了作伪证罪的反对票。Senators Richard Shelby of Alabama, Slade Gorton of Washington, Ted Stevens of Alaska, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, and John Warner of Virginia voted no on the perjury count.

有学者针对我国刑法中伪证的罪只适用于刑事诉讼中,提出了批评,认为应把伪证罪扩展到民事诉讼中。Some criticisms are found on the limited application of perjury charge only in the criminal suit, and therefore, it is held that perjury charge is also applicable in civil lawsuit.