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中国山茱萸科的新分类群。New taxa of Cornaceae from China.

山茱萸这种浆果味酸,但好吃且有益健康。Cornel is sour, but tasty and healthy berry.

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于是,他从山茱萸跑向盛开的桃花。So he raced from dogwood to blossoming peach.

左边是樱桃酒,右边是山茱萸酒。Cherry liqueur on the left, cornel – on the right!

淡山茱萸粉添加了女性能量。Pale Dogwood increases feminine energy in the air.

指定的品种嫁接到山茱萸的幼苗上。Named cultivars are grafted onto seedling dogwoods.

山间,一团团的山茱萸如满天云彩一般漂浮着。The dogwoods float in casual clouds among the hills.

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山茱萸最适宜的土壤是富含有机养料的。Dogwoods prefer a soil that is high in organic matter.

山茱萸科及相关诸科之花粉粒形态比较研究。Comparative pollen morphology of the Cornaceae and allies.

山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,点缀着褐色斑痕。The dogwood bud , pale green is inlaid with russet markings.

山茱萸嫩绿色的花蕾镶嵌上了红褐色的印迹。The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings.

山茱萸发芽了,在红褐色的土壤下衬出淡淡的绿意。The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings.

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山茱萸科及相关诸科之花粉粒形态比较研究。Title Comparative pollen morphology of the Cornaceae and allies.

汽车穿过密密匝匝的山茱萸,顺着一条蜿蜒的道路盘旋而上。The car climbed a twisting stretch of road through solid dogwood.

山茱萸多为落叶灌木类,长得像树一般的灌木…Dogwoods are mostly deciduous, and grow both as shrubs and as trees.

山茱萸中的皂甙是山茱萸的主要代表成分。Saponin is one of the chief ingredients in Cornus officinalis fruits.

山茱萸可以在多种多样的土壤环境中生长但是需要好的排水系统。Dogwoods will grow in a variety of soil types but require good drainage.

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没有合适的环境,山茱萸很难得以生长。Lacking a proper environment, dogwoods are sometimes difficulty to establish.

一到春天,野花、紫荆、番木瓜和山茱萸的芬芳随风而动,飘满整个溪谷和我的家园。In the spring the aromatic scent of wild flowers, redbuds, papaws, and dogwoods

野生的山茱萸通常形状比较差,且根系的生长不均匀。Wild dogwoods are often poorly shaped and have an unevenly developed root system.