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我们需要修正这一失衡。We need to redress that imbalance.

因此是的,我注意到了失衡问题。So yes, I was mindful of the imbalances.

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杨大海心里彻底失衡了。Yang Dahai was completely out of balance.

又一阵劲风使少年的身子失衡。Another gust of wind caught the boy off balance.

其结果便是一部基础失衡的法案。The result is a bill that is fundamentally imbalanced.

中国媒介产业布局出现了结构性失衡。The industrial layout of media is structural unbalance.

这就造成了文化与经济的严重失衡。This made serious unbalance between culture and economy.

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这反映了中国经济失衡的现实。This reflects the reality of economy inbalance in China.

神圣的真理已判定民生分配失衡?To judge, with solemn truth, life's ill-apportioned lot?

但这些数字中潜藏着性别失衡。But there is a gender imbalance lurking in these numbers.

因生产过剩,欧洲共同体经济严重失衡。Over-production is seriously unbalancing the EEC economy.

对于两手空空的男性,性别的失衡意味着什么呢?And what about the slew of males who come up empty-handed?

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竞争导致社会失衡,威胁真正的民主。Competition skews the balance, and threatens real democracy.

第二章分析淑·布莱德赫的失衡人格。Chapter Two analyzes Sue Bridebread's unbalanced personality.

过犹不及,人际交往最忌失衡。All excess is a failing, but above all in personal intercourse.

但这两种选择难免会出现顾此失彼的权利失衡。However, the two options will likely be in imbalance condition.

专家们说导致这种疾病的原因是大脑内化学物质失衡。Experts say the cause involves a chemical inbalance in the brain.

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经济中最突出的问题是外部失衡不断加剧。The most serious problem was the worsening of external unbalance.

所以中美贸易失衡并没有受到过多的关注。And so Sino-American imbalances didn't receive that much attention.

觉醒者保持平衡,未觉醒者失衡。The Awakened One is balanced. The unawakened one is out of balance.