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你会是一位更好的通信员。You're a better communicator.

科技与环境通信员,BBC新闻Science and environment correspondent, BBC News

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通信员送来消息说这场战斗失败了。Messengers brought nes that the battle had been lost.

受过练习的通信员可用莫尔斯键快速发电报。A trained signaller can tap out messages at treat speed on the Morse key.

至少有三次,为了其他的事,他要求我给他担当通信员。I have on at least three occasions, been asked to act as a conduit to him for others.

我们通信员说,这件案子揭露了在这个国家的深层的文化差异。The case has exposed the deep cultural divide in the country, our correspondent says.

但当晚值班的人中并没有女警官,通信员也是个男的。There were no female officers on shift that night, and the dispatcher was also a man.

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在池塘里主办者对通信员的响应责任作出了回应。In the pond the sponsor responded to the correspondent's corresponding responsibility.

“这一决定和'白目'现象有关。”本杰明科恩,第四频道科技新闻的通信员评论说。"There is an issue of trolls," says Benjamin Cohen, Channel 4 News' technology correspondent.

一个新华社外交通信员齐斌说,姜瑜代表了东方之美。Qi Bin, a diplomatic correspondent of China News Agency, said Jiang is a symbol of Eastern beauty.

在2010年8月,情报人员发现了拉登通信员在阿伯塔巴德的住所。In August 2010, the intelligence agencies found the exact compound where this courier was living, in Abbottabad.

第六名队员在9月被空投进中国,作为小分队和中情局上级指挥单位之间的通信员。A sixth team member, intended as a courier between the team and the controlling CIA unit, was dropped in September.

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通信员说首都哈拉雷的街道都非常安静,但整个场城市的安全警戒都处于紧甭的状态。Correspondents say the streets of the capital, Harare, have been quiet, but security in parts of the city is tight.

德军狙击手的首要目标一般是军官、士官、观察员、通信员、炮手、传令兵、车辆指挥官等。The German snipers always tried to hit important targets such as officers, nco 's, observers, singalists, gun crews, orderlies, vehicle commanders etc.

但BBC洛杉矶通信员彼特·鲍斯说道,在竞争逐渐激烈的日间电视里,它需在挣扎中赢取读者。But the BBC's Los Angeles correspondent Peter Bowes said that in the increasingly competitive world of daytime TV, Guiding Light had struggled to win an audience.

令人惊讶的是,该航班的通信员似乎坐在了客舱里面,戴着老式耳机听着空中交通管制的指挥。Astonishingly, the flight'scommunication officer appears to sit in the passenger seating area and listensin to air traffic control on an ancient pair of headphones.

据BBC通信员称,这些事件的起源据称是腐败的当地官员与发展商勾结,私自把农民的土地低价出售,用于发展房地产。One often-heard complaint is that corrupt officials collude with developers to sell off farmland without giving farmers the proper compensation, correspondents say.

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我们的通信员提到,实际上,党内分化为想让公共营运保障系统的一派和担心这种借鉴来的方法的一派。But in practice, the party is deeply divided between those that want a publicly-run insurance scheme and those alarmed by the borrowing necessary to fund it, our correspondent says.