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他们的争吵使两个朋友失和。Their quarrel estranged the two friends.

所以她才会和家人失和,因为这些规则。The rift with her family, that's what it's about? These rules.

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厨房的火炉不可对卧室门——主夫要失和、脾气暴躁、易神经质。The kitchen stove, Lord of bedroom door to lend your husband, grumpy and neuroticism.

那就是自然的状态,是生物学,如何看上去失和,你们想继续吗?It's just that the state of nature that's how the biology would seem to fall out. You want to go on?

在钻开油层钻井液中,只使用降滤失和增加携岩能力必需的添加剂。Only additives essential for filtration control and cuttings carrying are present in a drill-in fluid.

常见的问题有思家心切、经济困难、恋人吵架、工友失和等。Common problems are homesickness, financial woes, lovers’ quarrels and spats with co-workers, Geng said.

第二次研究则是在250位大学生中寻找抑制解除,冒失和吝啬的适应症。A second study looked for indications of disinhibition, boldness and meanness among 250 college students.

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李老太太一直担心着家庭的失和,可能影响她每年一度对亚历山德拉的例行拜访。Old Mrs. Lee had been afraid that family misunderstandings might deprive her of her yearly visit to Alexandra.

离婚或长期的家庭失和,会给孩子的心理造成巨大阴影。A divorce, or even a sustained period of distress in the home, can take an enormous psychological toll on your children.

兄弟失和事件成为推动鲁迅“彷徨”的精神状态向极端化境地发展的重要因素。The estrangement between the two brothers is a vital factor to propel Lu Xun's "hesitating" state of mind to the extreme.

颜正华教授诊治反流性胃炎-食道炎,认为主要病机为肝胃失和。Prof. YAN considered that the main pathogenesis of reflux gastritis-esophagitis is the imbalance between liver and stomach.

骨埋的一个重要因素,仅次于乳牙滞留、早失和间隙不足。Results Dentigerous cyst is one of the main causes of embedded teeth, only second to retained deciduous teeth, dental crowding.

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本文主要研究了原油含水对油基冻胶压裂液的最佳交联比、破胶剂加量、滤失和岩心伤害等性能的影响。This Paper studied on the relationship of different water content in crude oil and the properties of oil-based fracturing fluid.

建议今后该区钻探7″套管应下至库克拜组顶部—东巴组底部,减少地层漏失和油气勘探风险。So we suggest to put down the 7"pipe at the top of the Kukebai Group in order to reduce formation leaking and engineering risks."

反过来,如果统治精英内部失和,则会削弱当局的镇压能力,通常会使得统治者走上末路。Disunity within the ruling elite, on the other hand, weakens the regime's repressive capacity and usually spells the rulers' doom.

多年以来,卡扎菲与邻国和西方国家都处于长期失和状态,但他资助过不少非洲领导人。Over the years, Col Gaddafi had fallen out with both his neighbours and the West, although he had bankrolled many African leaders.

与失和八年之后,今天的华盛顿又重新受到好莱坞欢迎。It was time for Washington to bask in its return to popularity, courtesy of Obama, after eight years of estrangement from Hollywood.

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若肺胃气虚,一方面肺失清肃,胃失和降,不能通调水道。If lung poor digestion, on the one hand the lung loses peacefully, the stomach disagree declare war falls, cannot pass adjusts the canal.

因为,在许多方面,美国和古巴就像是两位失和多年的兄弟,尽管我们流淌的是同样的血液。Because in many ways, the United States and Cuba are like two brothers who've been estranged for many years, even as we share the same blood.

在传出队内球员与主教练德尚失和之后,尤文图斯俱乐部主席吉利强调说,俱乐部内的气氛很好。Juventus president Giovanni Cobolli Gigli insists morale at the club is "good" despite reports this week of player rifts with coach Didier Deschamps.