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阳市酱油厂是1956年公私合营时组建的国营企业。It is a state-run enterprise set up in 1956.

我们的信条一直是公私分明。Our creed has always been that business is business.

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公私合作何时才是最佳选择?When is a public-private partnership the best option?

损坏或破坏公私财产的行为。The defacement or destruction of public or private property.

1954年,我们公司改为公私合营了。In 1954 our firm became a joint state-privately operated one.

“公私合营”即是达成这个任务的一种手段。And joint state-private ownership was one way led to the goal.

公私并存二合一混合制造成了什么呢?Public-private coexist two-appulse-one compound system created?

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公私混合如何提高结核病检出率并如何减少诊断延误?How does PPM increase case detection and reduce diagnostic delays

这会破坏依赖于公私密钥对的脚本。This will break scripts dependant on the private-public key pair.

公私合营投资计划尤其为海外投资者打开了大门。The PPIP program specifically allows for foreign sources of investment.

该街景项目是芝加哥最早的公私合作项目之一。The streetscape was one of Chicago's first public-private partnerships.

项目必须促成公私部门之间的合作伙伴关系。Initiatives must forge partnerships between the public and private sectors.

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这是本周末我老板发给我的第三封邮件了。我是“公私不分”模式的受害者。This is the third email from my boss this weekend. Im a victim of workweek creep!

这是本周末我老板发给我的封邮件了。我是“公私不分”模式的受害者。This is the third email from my boss this weekend. I'm a victim of workweek creep!

我们大力支持并欢迎中国建立公私合作伙伴关系中心并发挥模范作用。We welcome the establishment of the PPP Center in China as a center of excellence.

这些证券是金融危机之源,也是公私合作投资计划的核心所在。These securities are at the heart of the financial crisis and the core of the PPIP.

公私合营企业中,私方作为企业的操作者更具主动性。In a joint state-private enterprise, the private owner is more active as an operator.

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建国后1953年,东莱银行并入公私合营青岛分行。After the founding in 1953, Donglai bank into public-private partnership, Qingdao Branch.

因而,他的政府热衷于为基础设施筹资并建设它的“公私伙伴关系”。Hence his government's zeal for "public-private partnerships" to finance and construct it.

但公私伙伴关系,几乎能在任何领域上将会越来越重要。But public-private partnerships are going to be increasingly important in almost any field.