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听阈和音量对有特殊需要的孩子的重要性Importance of Listening Range and Volume for Special Needs Child

听觉障碍儿童的听阈是在一个安静的地方测试出的。The range of an impaired child’s hearing ability is well defined in a quiet space.

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可听阈内的切削声信号包含着丰富的刀具磨损信息。The cutting sound signal in audible range includes a plenty of tool-wear information.

不同性质的传导性病变,使不同频段的骨导听阈降低。Different conductive impairment improved bone-conduction response at different frequencies.

大前庭导水管综合征纯音听阈可以有低范围的气骨导差,但原因不明。An air-bone gap might exist in ATPT of LVAS at low frequencies, while the underlying cause remains unclear.

方法对50例压力性鼓膜穿孔患者的常频和扩展高频测听的听阈结果进行分析。Methods 50 patients received standard pure-tone and extended high frequency audiometry for hearing measurement.

结论TEOAE对中耳病变的诊断较纯音听阈测试、声导抗测试敏感。Conclusion TEOAE is more sensitive than audiogram and acoustic immittance in the diagnosis of middle ear disorders.

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接触噪声人群的闪声融合频率与听觉疲劳的重要指标暂时性听阈阈移有着明显的一致性。There was significant consistency in transient auditory threshold shift, an important indicator of AFF and auditory fatigue.

超声是指频率高于2万赫兹、超过人耳听阈高限的声波,目前超声已广泛应用于医学领域。Ultrasound is sound with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing, this limit being approximately 20,000 Hz.

本文利用豚鼠研究了脉冲噪声和空气冲击波暴露后中耳声阻抗的变化和听阈偏移。Acoustic impedance changes and hearing threshold shifts after exposure to impulse noise or air-blasts were studied in guinea pigs.

目的了解神经性渐进性耳鸣、耳聋患者的耳鸣响度与听阈提高速度的关系。Objective To study the reaction between tinnitus volume and the ascending speed of auditory threshold in chronic nervous tinnitus patients.

作者认为,用下行法测定听阈由于声记忆的存在,影响了测听结果的准确性,不宜采用。So the downward meth od would produce wrong result because of "sound memory" of hearing accurate with downward method, and should be abolished.

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这项在老鼠身上的实验显示这些药物在噪声暴露之后能够将永久性听阈位移降低五个分贝。The experiments in mice showed that the drugs could reduce by about five decibels the permanent threshold shift that can occur after noise exposure.

目的了解影响纯音听阈测定的因素,尽可能地减少或消除可变因素的影响,提高听阈测定结果的准确性。Objective To know influencing factors of pure tone audiometry , as early as possible to of variable factors and improve the accuracy of audiometry testing.

受试者坐在标准测听室内,由专业技师检查气、骨导纯音听阈。All the subjects sat in the standard audiometric room, the air and bone conducted pure-tone auditory thresholds were examined by the professional technician.

方法应用直线相关回归、逐步多元回归和协方差分析等统计学方法分析暂时性听阈位移与听阈、噪声强度、工龄、年龄等因素之间的关系。Method Statistical methods of linear regression, multiple stepwised regression, two-way ANOVA were used to analysis the relation of TTS with audition, noise level, working-year and age.

结论DPOAE作为一种评价耳蜗毛细胞功能状态,在征兵、部队听力普查中较传统的纯音听阈测试更有意义。Conclusion In evaluating the function of the cochlea hair cells DPOAE, is more important in conscription and auditory screening in soldiers than that of traditional pure tone audiometry.