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钱能通天,势能压人。Money can be borne, potential energy.

它是通天唯一之路。There is no other road betwixt my soul and Heaven.

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有小斗、三斜、四斜、通天、五福。A small bucket, three ramps, four ramps, Babel, Dr.

亲爱的朋友们,欢迎再次回到词通天下英语!Dear Friends, welcome back to Word to World English.

第二天,花园里长出了一棵通天豆茎。The next day, there was a tall beanstalk in the garden.

欢迎来到组队任务的通天塔!Welcome to the Orbis Tower, where the Party Quest Awaits!

我们需要扩展业务,所以聘用了能通天的李先生。We needed more business so we got Mr. Lee as our rain-maker.

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天地人合一,方能成通天。The world person unites as one, then can become all-powerful.

你可以站在通天塔上向上帝发出挑战,但是你永远不可能战胜上帝。You can fire your arrows from the Tower of Babel. But you can never strike God!

通天大道共计九十九弯,扣合天有九霄之意。Heaven-linking Avenue has 99 turns symbolizing that the Heaven has nine palasce.

从译学研究的思维方式看,“通天塔”与“巴别塔”就不仅是个译名问题了。The two names can be seen as metaphors of two approaches to translation studies.

“通天”的白色鞋柜和大肚子灶台都是自得之作。Exceeding lofty or great white shoe ark and abdominous hearth are complacent make.

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有人认为那个人是具有通天法力的巫师,老虎是其通天的动物助手。Some archeologists think that the man could be a wizard and the tiger, his assistant.

有通天啊,我昨天还打了,我最好的打铁血爆霹雳!!!Qualcomm has God, I played yesterday, I played the best Hemosiderosis thunderbolt blasting!

他们是劳工,打造着世界沟通的桥梁,建立起另一座通天巴别塔。In a sense, they are coolies who are bridging the world and building up another Tower of Babel.

你们只须去采些通天草来,浓浓的煎上一碗,给他喝下去就没事了。And you should gather some Waternuts, boil them, let your master drink a bowl, and he'll be cured.

天文观测既是敬天的活动,也是“通天”的手段。Astronomical observation was both activity of heaven worshiping and means of connecting to heaven.

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在远古时期,鼓被尊奉为通天的神器,主要是作为祭祀的器具。In ancient times, been enshrined in the dark sky for the Artifact, mainly as a sacrificial utensils.

他们彼此商量要建造一座城和一座塔,塔顶通天,为滴是传扬荣耀。They talk to each other to build a city and a tower, the tower of Babel in order to spread the glory.

擎天柱重回塞伯坦,筹备夺回塞伯坦,临行命通天晓为地球基地总指挥。Optimus Prime leads Ultra Magnus on Earth as City Commander and begins preparations for retaking Cybertron.