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鸟用翅膀扑打着鸟笼的栏杆。The bird beat its wings against the bars of its cage.

母鸡大吵大叫地朝他扑打过来。The mother ptarmigan beat about him with great outcry.

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我的翅膀疯狂地扑打着,圣杯却纹丝不动。My wings beat in a frenzy, but the Grail would not move.

海浪扑打着岩石,浪花飞溅到他们全身。The sea dashed against the rock, and covered them with spray.

当他扑打双翼时,一团灰烬弥漫在空气里。When he flapped his wings, a cloud of grey ash filled the air.

第二,适当扑打一些轻柔碎粉,以保护你的脸部。Second, seal your look with a fine dusting of loose face powder.

绊倒了一辆三轮车上,像小鸟一样扑打着翅膀,转着圈呢?Tripped on a tricycle and is running in circles flapping like a bird?

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鸟儿拼命扑打着翅膀,但仍不能飞离地面。The bird fluttered its wings wildly but it could not get off the ground.

烟囱里有一只鸟在扑打着,我们如何才能把它取出来?There is a bird fluttering about inside the chimney, how can we get it out?

他试图扑打火焰,但他的手指也粘上了油,然后手指也燃烧了。He tried to beat at the flames, but his fingers grew oily, and burst into fire.

飞翔着小鸟,你扑打着双翼,是因那晨光在向你招手吗?Flying a birdie, you flutter under the wings, it is because you waved to the dawn?

巢边的那只雏鸟正跃跃欲试地扑打着翅膀,准备飞向广阔的世界。The young bird on the edge of the nest was trying his wings to fly into the world.

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这双手敏捷而有力地在水中扑打着,不停地向下摆动,迫使他浮向水面。They beat the water vigorously with quick, downward strokes, forcing him to the surface.

我记得有人用衣物扑火,我亦拿起一件旧大衣,用力扑打着你。Remembering that one extinguished fire with clothing, I took an old coat and beat you with it.

那个游泳者腿部抽筋,在水中乱扑打,拼命挣扎以求免于溺死。The swimmer who HAD got a cramp in the leg beat about in the water, trying desperately not to drown.

它无望地在沟槽中扑打时鳃瓣张开,犹如在它头部两侧切开了两道深深的伤口。The gill flaps opened like two gash wounds on the sides of its head as it thrashed helplessly in the gutter.

我耳朵里充满了一种类似翅膀扑打的声音。我绝望地冲到门口,拼命地摇着门上的锁。A sound filled my ears, which seems like the rushing of wings. I ran in despair to the door and shook the lock.

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那天,我在水浅的地方扑打着,水还挺热,这令我有些吃惊,但我并不心烦。That day too I splashed around in the shallow waters and was pleasantly surprised that the water was quite warm.

阳光下,漫天飞舞的风沙像炒红的铁砂一般,扑打着探险队员的面孔。The sand, as hot as the iron sand in the sun, was flying in the whole sky and swatting the faces of expedition members.

阳光下,漫天飞舞的风沙像炒红的铁砂一般,扑打着探险队员的面孔。Under the sun, the sand flying all over the sky like red iron speculation general, head of the players face the name of adventure.