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她的故居现在已是博物馆了。Her house is a museum now.

梁实秋故居位于鱼山路33号。Liang's former residence at No. 33 Fish Road.

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最近,我前往海德公园参观了美国第三十二任总统富兰克林·诺兰德·罗斯福的故居。Recently, I went to visit FDR’s home in Hyde Park.

土,乃万尸之故居。Soil, but the former residence. Prometheans million.

伯爵很少去他在什罗普郡的乡村故居。The earl rarely visited his country seat in shropshire.

我院外教访问顾史学家炎武先生故居。Foreign teachers visit the Historian, Mr. Gu Yanwu's home.

你的关闭了的故居檐头的枯死的瓦菲。The withered weeds on the tiled eaves of your shut-up house.

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我今天去的最有价值的地方是赛金花故居。My mum was very impressed with 'Sai Jin Hua's former residence'.

她说,故居引发全球竞购令他们“喜出望外”。She said they had been "more than surprised" by the global interest.

在故居的前门旁边有一座马克思的头像。Beside the front door was a plaque with Marx’s leonine head in profile.

2006年6月,布什带小泉去了这位已故摇滚天王的故居“雅园”。Bush took Koizumi to the late King of Rock and Roll's Graceland in June 2006.

这很大程度上取决于在伦敦格伦艾伦的故居的工作人员。Much of that depends on being able to staff the London cottage at Glen Ellen.

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北京西城区存在着大量近现代名人故居,这些故居是弥足珍贵的人文资源。There are a lot of former residences of celebrities in Beijing Xicheng District.

老舍故居位于黄县路12号,为二层楼房,座北朝南。Former Residence of Lao She in Huangxian Road 12, two-story building, Block south.

这幅肖像即将在艾文河上游的斯特拉福德镇莎翁的故居中展览。The painting will now go on display in Shakespeare’s hometown Stratford-upon-Avon.

我将参观苏州园林、西湖、鲁迅故居等等。I will visit the Suzhou Gardens, the West Lake, Lu Xun's former residence and so on.

海明威的故居位于科维斯特镇中心的怀特赫德街907号。Hemmingway's old house is located in the center of Key West at 907 White Hart Street.

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这方池塘是仿照朱熹故居的著名池塘半亩方塘修建的。This pond was built in imitation of the well-known Banmu Pond of Zhu Xi's birthplace.

在颐和园这个皇家故居与园林中,游人们已经挤满了拱廊,另一些人则在烟波鳞鳞的昆明湖上泛舟。Already visitors are teeming through its archways and paddling boats on its misty lake.

在这里,形形色色的农家院子和名人故居始终人流如织,游客络绎不绝。Farmhouses in various styles and Chinese celebrities' old houses are visitor hot spots.