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利用厨房小车扩展灶台空间Expand the counter with a kitchen cart

他的父亲正坐在厨房的大餐桌旁整理渔网,他的母亲在灶台边忙碌着,准备开饭。His father sat at the big kitchen table, working on a fishing net.

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不要让商品目录、电话留言和备忘录弄乱灶台。Don't let shopping lists, phone messages and to-do notes clutter up counter space.

“通天”的白色鞋柜和大肚子灶台都是自得之作。Exceeding lofty or great white shoe ark and abdominous hearth are complacent make.

把锅放在灶台上小火加热,不断搅拌量杯里的混合物直到蜜蜡融化。Set the pan on the stovetop and heat on low. Stir frequently until the wax is melts.

除了增加橱柜和灶台空间,拥有一个带滑轮的厨房推车也是不错的选择。A rolling kitchen cart is the next best thing to adding cabinets and countertop space.

灶台用瓷砖构造成玻璃状增机了额外的力量。The ceramic tiles in the food preparation areas have also been vitrified for extra strength.

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灶台、工作台的局部照明,可用嵌入式日光灯或射灯。The local lighting of hearth, workbench, usable embedded fluorescent lamp or shoot the light.

灶台是泥铸的,上面并排放着三口锅,两口给人做饭,一口给猪做饭。Three pots were placed in line on the mud-made stove, two for the family, the other for pigs.

她感到自己被生活局限在一个小圈子里,她永远无法摆脱灶台和孩子。She feels penned in by her life. She can never get away from the kitchen stove or the children.

灶台旁放着一只只小巧的碗,碗里放着甜甜的糖水,预示着一年中一家人的生活甜甜蜜蜜的。Hearth, put with small bowl bowl, put the sweet sugar water, herald a sweet family life in a year.

拴住正在后厨收拾灶台,就听到了一声惨叫,原来是吉田练刀工切到了手。Branches are kitchen tidy up after hearth, she heard a scream, the original is yoshida knife cut by hand.

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当然,找起来也不难,灶台上没有,原来杯子位于搁在水池上的洗衣板上。He could not find the glass on the kitchen table, but he found it on the washboard which lay on the wash tank.

韩珊闻到一股糊焦味,冲进厨房,伸手将烧糊的饭锅从灶台上拽了下来。HanShan caught a whiff of paste burning smell, burst into the kitchen, the hand will burn from pot hearth drag down.

你要做的是最终形成浆糊一样的东西。而那个加入醋的浆糊会去掉全部的灶台油垢。What you're going to do is end up creating a paste. And that paste with the vinegar will eat into all of th is cooked-on grease.

最近我在我妈妈的灶台上发现了一本上周的还没完成的填字游戏,于是我随手添了几个答案。I recently noticed a week-old, half-finished crossword puzzle on my mother's kitchen table. I filled in a few answers—no big deal.

这是此地居民普遍使用的灶台,里面的燃料除了煤渣还有就是捡来的碎木片和一些可燃物。This was what the residents use for a stove. The fuel comprised coal bits as well as other bits of wood and combustible materials.

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地坝边临时垒起的灶台上,架着一口两人才能合抱的大锅,稻草燃起的熊熊大火,舔着锅沿。While temporary dam built on the hearth, wearing a mouth two people can seem cauldron, straw burning flames, licking the pot along.

她决定做好饭菜等爸爸妈妈回来吃,却不小心将灶台上的煤油灯打翻,结果双手便被大火夺走了。She tried to prepare meals for her parents,only to overturn the kerosene3 light on the stove,resulting in a fire which took her hands away.

实际上,碗布最好只用于擦干已经干净的双手,而厨房灶台和砧板的清洁,则必须使用纸巾和可以杀菌的消毒药剂。Use dish towels only to dry clean hands, and rely on paper towels and an antimicrobial disinfectant to wipe down countertops and cutting boards.