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作为政治官员,我可全仰仗着你们了。As political officers, I'm counting on you.

他仰仗着他父亲的权势。He referred himself to his father's power and influence.

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我方的胜利极大地仰仗着他的洞察能力。Our victory depends very materially upon his perceptive power.

在所有的实际问题上﹐欧盟都仰仗着美方的行动。For all practical purposes, Europe was relying on U. S. activism.

犹太人可以仰仗上帝,就像奴隶可以依靠领主。Israel can rely on God, just as a vassal can rely on his suzerain.

不管你是谁,我总仰仗着陌生人的仁慈。Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.

而福塞尔说,大多数跻身上流社会的人“都是仰仗先祖的家业”。Most of the upper class, Mr. Fussell said, 'owe it all to their ancestors.

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我的清白不应该自己去申辩,而应该完全仰仗你内心的公正。My innocence ought not to defend itself but to rely wholly on your justice.

大多数上了年纪的美国人仰仗社会保险金过活。A large majority of elderly Americans depend solely on social security income.

“公平贸易与传统贸易一样仰仗市场力量,”他写道。“Fairtrade rests as much on market forces as conventional trading does,” he writes.

那些仰仗巨额资产负债表的银行通过廉价的小额零星存款的支持来发放贷款。Those banks can rely on huge balance sheets, backed by cheap retail deposits, to make loans.

而三恶道都是仰仗地藏菩萨来救度他们的!And living beings in the three evil paths all depend on Earth Store Bodhisattva to save them!

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身为缅甸独立运动英雄昂山的女儿,能够仰仗父荫。Her heritage, as the daughter of Aung San, Myanmar’s independence hero, was always in her favour.

很难让人相信,在亚洲的世纪,亚洲的安全要仰仗非亚洲国家的安全部队来维持。It is hard to believe in an Asia Century when Asia’s security depends on non-Asian security forces.

它们必须向旧东西一样仰仗着同样的基本原理,同样的资源和同样的需求。Anything, just like the old, must rely on the same principles, the same resources and the same rules.

但成功并非一蹴可几,得仰仗科学、经济及行政资源的长期投资。But the endeavor will require a long-term investment of scientific, economic and political resources.

所谓的天才论是不真实的。让这些“海龟”成功的秘诀并非仰仗于他们有会变魔术般的才能。Innate talent is overrated. There is no magical talent that made the Turtles, for example, successful.

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由于视奏非常仰仗于对音乐结构的辨识,它与记忆力紧密相关。Because sight reading depends so heavily on recognition of structures, it is closely related to memory.

生命的价值不依赖我们的所作所为,也不仰仗我们结交的人物,而是取决于我们本身!The value of life does not lie in what we have done or what friends we have made but lies in ourselves!

仰仗独创的度身定做配餐服务,该酒店堪称举办专场活动的理想合作伙伴!This hotel's creative and custom-made approach to catering has made it the ideal partner for special event scene.