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一磅等于16英两。A pound contains 16 ounces.

祝中英两国人民幸福安康!I wish our two peoples greater happiness.

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而所有的商品标签都是中英两种文字。All goods bear labels in Chinese and English.

为中英两国的国泰民安To the prosperity of our countries and happiness of our peoples

中国经济的持续发展为中英两国的经贸投资合作开创了更广阔的空间。Two-way trade and investment between China and the UK enjoy a broad prospect.

中英两国皆为饮茶大国,都存在茶文化现象。Britain and China were drinking tea large country, there are tea culture phenomenon.

英汉语码混合是中英两种文化接触和结合的产物。English-Chinese code-mixing is the product of two cultures contact and communication.

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美英两国的“盎格鲁-撒克逊”模式和其他国家之间有明显的差异。There is a clear gap between America's and Britain's "Anglo-Saxon" model and the rest.

我奇怪为什么美英两国在两伊战争中支持萨达姆而现在则反对他?I wonder why US and British supported Sadam during Iraq and Iran war and now against him?

按本程序规定所作的进度计划提交文件要用中、英两种文字。Scheduling submittals made under this Procedure shall be made in both Chinese and English.

现在中英两国政府关于香港问题的会谈基本上达成一致了。The two governments have reached a basic agreement in their talks on the Hong Kong question.

关于访问英国,李瑞宇说,中英两国关系发展势头良好。On the visit to the UK Li said that China-UK relations enjoy a sound momentum of development.

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律政司负责以中英两种法定语文草拟法例。The Department of Justice is responsible for drafting legislation in both official languages.

中英两国也在探讨在一些非洲项目上合作的可能性。China and UK are also exploring possibilities working together on some of the African projects.

中英两国的大学间建立了上百对校际交流机制,合作非常密切。More than 100 pairs of university partnerships have also been set up between our two countries.

陈晓东说,二战期间,中英两国是远东战场上的盟友。Chen said that during the World War II the UK and China were allies on the Far East battlefield.

近代早期中英两国的海外贸易市场体系皆经历了蜕变与重建的过程。There saw changes and remaking in overseas trade market systems in early modem China and England.

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书后附有中英两国海上货运险条款,以供读者查阅。The book with the Sino-British maritime cargo insurance provisions in order for readers to access.

请记住用中英两种文字缮制合同,两种文本同样有用。Please remember to use both English and Chinese versions and both versions should be equally valid.

在本院原有专家的基础上,聘请中英两国有关方面的专家充实到各专家组。On the basis of original experts, to hire the Chinese and British experts to enrich the expert group.