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“纳西古乐”是什么东西?。What is Naxi Archaic Music?

可是这古乐需要指挥吗?But does this really need a conductor?

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这也是一种纳西古乐。It is also a kind of ancient Naxi music.

他所演奏的乐曲称为高洛古乐。The melody it played called Gaoluo Anicent Music.

我喜欢各种不同的音乐,像古典音乐,流行音乐,以及古乐什么的。I like different music, like classical music, pop music and ancient music.

长安古乐进校园视为扎根办学的一个特例进入了笔者的视野。Let's take a typical example—bringing Chang'an Ancient Classical Music into schools.

纳西古乐神话只是文化资源市场化运作中一种行销手段、一种宣传结果。Naxi ancient music myth is just the outcome of the commercialization of cultural resources.

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下面,就请您在悠扬的古乐中领略书法艺术的魅力吧。Next, ask your melodious taste of the art of calligraphy in ancient music of the charm of it.

日益增多的古乐逐渐成为了20世纪音乐文化的一部分。Music of increasingly remote times gradually became part of our 20th –century musical culture.

宣科少年时代就在这种环境下长大,纳西古乐深入他的内心。Xuanke was raised in just this kind of environment, and the Naxi ancient music is in his blood.

素有“音乐活化石”之称的“纳西古乐”在特殊的地理位置下,不断得到充实丰富。Known as "music living fossil" known as "Naxi ancient music" at a special location, the constant enrichment.

如此富于人文关怀与现代精神之古乐、剧综合节目,值得一赏。It is worth enjoying such a variety show of classical music and play with human concernment and modern spirit.

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“纳西古乐”是纳西族在漫长的历史长河中对各种优秀文化兼收并蓄的多元化相融汇的艺术结晶。"Naxi ancient music" Naxi are at a long history of eclectic variety of fine cultural diversity of the art integrated.

被称为“中国音乐活化石”的纳西古乐,以其高雅清纯的韵味吸引着游客。Known as the "living fossil of Chinese music" of the Naxi ancient music, with its elegant charm pure tourist attraction.

长安古乐进校园,一方面可以使我国的非物质文化遗产有一个很好的传承方式。On one hand, bringing Chang'an Ancient Classical Music into class allows Chinese non-material cultural heritage to pass on.

它与传统的“雅乐”、“古乐”相融合,渗透到社会各个层面。It infiltrated every tier of the society by integrating itself into traditional Chinese 'elegant music' and 'ancient music'.

就像云南丽江的纳西古乐,其历史可上溯至唐朝并被认为是中国音乐最初原始的形式。Like in Li Jiang, Yunnan, the Naxi ancient music from the Tang Dynasty is regarded as a truly original Chinese musical form.

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古乐团是香港正式成立及认可的国际歌影迷会,欢迎本地及海外歌迷加入。"Louis Koo International Fans Club" is Hong Kong established and approved International Fans Club, welcome local and oversea fans to join.

纳西古乐神话是在丽江致力发展旅游业的社会形势和宣科先生的鼎立宣传形成的。Naxi ancient music myth is the result of Ljiang's dedication to the development of its travel industry and Mr. Xuan Ke's effort in publicity.

因此,通过我们对长安古乐的学习,就会建立起我们文化身份的认同感和存在价值的归宿感。If we learn Chang'an Ancient Classical Music, we will establish a cultural identity and the identity of the value of the feeling of belonging.