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一个人要想出人头地,就得自己去打天下。A man has to strike out for himself if he wants to get ahead.

通用汽车用不同档次多种品牌“抱团”打天下的策略也开始受挫。GM's strategy of offering a multiplicity of brands started to fray.

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年轻人必须在没有支持和保护之下自己来打天下。A young man must find his own way in the world without props and safeguards.

没有人是孤身一人打天下的,坚固的友谊让生活变的充满乐趣和意义。No one ever does anything alone, great friendships make life fun and meaningful.

没有人是孤身一人打天下的,坚固的友谊让生活充满乐趣和意义。No one ever does anything alone. Great friendships make life fun and meaningful.

而且真想做王的人,他将用他的手去打天下,决不会放在口里说的。He who really wants to be King will fight for it with his hands instead of mouthing it in words.

我认为他是队中的一员,我们只有一支球队打天下。I believe Carlos Vela is a player of the squad and the whole squad will be used over the season.

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也就是说中国纺织品靠“以廉取胜”,靠中低端、低附加值产品打天下的时代已经结束。That is China textile by "low to win", relying on low-end, low value-added products conquer the time is over.

对于天津一汽来说,一个企业要想打造成“百年老店’,尽不能只依靠一款车来打天下。For Tianjin Faw, it is not impossible only to have one model to win success if he wants to be a century-old shop.

而且真想做王的人,他将用他的手法去打天下,决不会放在口里说的。Moreover, if one is really bent on being a king, he will try to carry out his design by deeds instead of by words.

曾靠着低廉成本优势打天下的中国制造业如今压力重重。Ever the Chinese manufacturing industry that advantage of recumbent and low cost makes the world pressure is heavy nowadays.

我确信,如果在这个靠着拳头打天下的时代里放弃“不闻不问”的原则,必将有损于我们的军队文化。Indeed, I believe repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell” will weaken the warrior culture at a time when we have a fight on our hands.

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本公司以诚信赢市场、实力打天下的理论思想、赢得广大客户的好评。The Company in good faith to win the market, trying to conquer the theoretical strength of thought, won the majority of customers.

良好的人际关系很重要——“没有人是孤身一人打天下的,坚固的友谊让生活充满乐趣和意义。”Great relationships are the most important thing — "No one ever does anything alone. Great friendships make life fun and meaningful. ""

刘备听说诸葛亮很有学识,又有才能,就带着礼物请他出来辅助自己打天下。Liu Bei, hearing that Zhuge Liang was very knowledgeable and capable, went to visit him, taking gifts, hoping that Zhuge Liang would agree to assist him with statecraft.

虽然有一部分球员的表现还是相当不错的,但你不可能指望半支球队打天下。其他人必须尽快找回状态,避免我们陷入无法换回的局面。Certain other players are doing pretty well, but you can't carry half a team and they've got to start finding their form very, very quickly, before we're in a massive hole.

合资铁路的债务风险与其自身特征密不可分,除了“一条新线打天下”造成的势单力薄,合资铁路还有其先天不足。The debt risk of the co-financed investment railway is closely related to its characteristics. Besides the disadvantage of one line, other congenital deficiencies contributed to it.

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随着杰拉德、托雷斯、约翰逊以及贝纳永缺阵,贝尼特斯依赖这些边沿的球员打天下,领导我们从英超第四发起冲击。With the likes of Steven Gerrard, Fernando Torres, Glen Johnson and Yossi Benayoun all injured, Benitez is relying on fringe players to step up and lead our charge for the top four.

1994年,与房地产商潘石屹结婚,1995年,回到北京和丈夫携手在建筑界打天下,成为SOHO中国联席总裁。In 1994, Pan Shiyi and real estate getting married, in 1995, returned to Beijing and her husband work in the construction industry to conquer the world, to become co-president of SOHO China.