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那你有过什么歉收的过去么?Have you had any crop failures?

无印良品淘宝我是歉收的太阳光。I i am the sunlight on ripened grain.

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因庄稼歉收饥荒终于发生了。Famine eventuated from the crop failure.

因庄稼歉收物价有所上升。Prices have been forced up by the poor crop.

因为气候干旱,作物歉收。The crops failed because the seasons was dry.

水稻歉收是由于缺雨。The shortage of rice was credited to lack of rain.

尼日尔则因为旱灾和粮食歉收正面临粮食危机。Drought and poor harvests led to a food crisis in Niger.

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如果美国出现俄罗斯规模的农作物歉收又会怎么样?What if there’s a Russia-scale crop failure here at home?

成千上百片稻田因干旱而歉收。Hundreds of rice paddy fields have failed harvests due to drought.

植株间间隔太小是作物歉收的原因。Too small spacing among the plant stands is causative of the crop failure.

歉收又造成了饥荒并迫使人民迁离农场和农村。The failure of the harvest again produced famine and unpeopled farms and hamlets.

这种种子同样也可以抵御寄生草Striga,这是非洲农作物歉收的一大原因。The seeds can also resist the Striga weed, a big cause of crop failures in Africa.

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那几年,华北平原发生了百年不遇的大旱灾和歉收。The drought and crop failure were the most serious in North China in a hundred years.

一旦作物歉收,单一农业化生产和远方的供应商就成为了不利因素。And when crops fail, specialized agriculture and faraway suppliers become a liability.

齐国遭遇了干旱,粮食歉收,很多人没有饭吃。When the state of Qi had a drought and harvested little grain , many people went hungry.

例如,1839年英国出现的信用危机就是由农业歉收引起的。For example, the 1839 credit crisis, the United Kingdom there is caused by the poor harvests.

曼丹人保护自己免受作物歉收以及由此引发的饥饿。The Mandans protected themselves against the disaster of crop failure and accompanying hunger.

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谷物交易所的商品经纪人对北美作物歉收的消息做出迅速反应。Commodity brokers in the Corn Exchange reacted swiftly to news about crop failure in N.America.

去年,不稳定的降雨量导致农业歉收,使尼日尔人面临重大的食品危机。The country is facing a major food crisisafter erratic rainfall caused crops to fail last year.

由于干旱歉收,村民丰收的希望泡汤了。Due to the crop failure caused by drought, the villages' hope for good harvest dashed to pieces.