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寒冷的天气使插秧推迟两个星期。The cold weather set back the planting by two weeks.

插秧结束日称为关秧门。Transplanting end of the day is called seeding the door closed.

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那些青葱葱的田间记着查利云第一次去田里插秧。The green fields remember the first time went transplanting rice seedlings.

他们用牛踩田,把泥踩烂了就插秧。They use cattles to step the fields into muds, and then transplant rice seedlings.

床土培肥是培育水稻机插秧苗的首要措施。Seedbed soil fertilizing is one of the key measures for raising mechanical transplanting rice seedling.

对水稻乳苗抛栽和手插秧、抛秧、水直播的干物积累与分配进行了分析。This paper has studied dry matter accumulation and dry matter distribution of different rice populations.

IGSH-100D水旱秸秆还田耕整机是为高留茬麦地机械化插秧对埋茬平整要求而设计的。IGSH-100D machine is designed for the nigh-efficacy stubble wheat field mechanically transplanting stubble-bury purpose.

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很多城里小孩都认为农民伯伯插秧就像走路一样,是向前一点一点插的。A lot of kids in town that farmers transplant rice seedlings uncle like walking, is the play of forward little by little.

插秧是稻作的开始,第一天插秧称为开秧门,最受农家重视。The beginning of rice planting is the first day of planting seedlings is called to open the door, most farmers attention.

穴插3株苗左右时加工品质最好,外观品质是随插秧株数的增加而变劣。When insert 3 trunk in 1 hole the artifactitious quality is best, surface quality is become bad along with the trunk is increase.

主要介绍机械化插秧实现每穴2~4株平均3株精插所采取的技术措施。Technology achieving precision transplanting of rice seedling of 2-4 seedlings per hole and average 3 seedlings per hole was introduced.

作者从杂交稻的育种实践出发,采用在不同年份和地点进行分期播种和插秧的方法,对北方杂交粳稻核心亲本的播始历期及其稳定性进行研究。So in this paper, from the point of view of practical application, the DSH and its stability of some core parent lines of japonica hybrid rice was invest.

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分插机构是水稻插秧机的主要工作部件,其性能决定其插秧质量、工作可靠性和单位时间的插次。Transplanting mechanism is the main part of a transplanter, its performance determines the transplanting quality, reliability and number of transplants per minute.

比较了在不同插秧量和行距配置方式下杂交稻和常规稻的产量及其构成因素。A comparison of yield and its components between hybrid rice and conventional rice varieties was made with different seedling quantity and row spacing at transplanting.

是日必须安排在天晚前完成插秧,如人力来不及亦须请工帮助,如至天黑则认为不吉。That day must be scheduled to complete the getting late planting, such as human enough time must be requested public help, such as Kyrgyzstan to the dark were not considered.

于是,这种进而被缩小了长度、宽度,且去掉了首、尾部分的器具,不再用于插秧,而只用于拔秧。At last, the length and width were shortened and the parts of both ends were removed away, as a result, the seedling-horse no longer used for seedling planting, only for pulling.

经理论分析和田间试验表明,后插式分插机构的结构参数选择是合理的,插秧性能是优良的。The results show that parameters and performance of Separate-planting mechanism do suit planting seedlings from theoretical analysis and field test of the rearward-planting transplanter.

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目前南方各地基本都以覆膜保温方式为主育秧,减轻了低温降水天气对浸种和插秧的影响。At present, film covering is widely adopted for seedling raising throughout South China, reducing the impact of low temperature and rainfall on the seed soaking and seedling transplanting.

在一个暑假来临之际,我被爸爸送到了大山深处的舅舅家里,在火车上,车窗外在稻田里插秧的人们以及不时在田野上慢慢飞过的白色的大鸟都让我倍感兴奋。Summary vacation time, my bad bring me to uncle hometown where is in mountain. On the train, I was so exciting when I saw man who set out rice-plants in the field and bird flying in the sky.

据传原是隆尧东部农民在锄苗插秧时唱的一种歌谣,后来成为农闲时娱乐性的小演唱,最后发展成半职业剧团。Rumor was the eastern Long-Yau Miller peasant hoeing at planting time to sing a song, and later became slack when entertaining a small concert, and finally develop into a semi-professional troupe.