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它不会使这男孩的心灵柔弱。It will not effeminate the boy's mind.

柔弱的木质藤本植物,茎四棱。Effeminate woodiness liana, bine 4 arris.

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阳者刚强,阴者柔弱。Those who are strong, Yin and Yang vulnerability.

女人,坚强与柔弱的混合体。A female is a mixture of staunchness and limpness.

可以听到柔弱的笑声和满意的呻吟。We hear languorous laughter, moans of satisfaction.

我太柔弱了,着这样的艰难困苦的世界里我活不了。I am too weak to live in this harsh and tough world.

投下的影子如此柔弱,我几乎能看穿它们。Casting shadows so frail that I can see through them.

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连那失错的言语,有时也能激动柔弱的舌头。And even stumbling speech may strengthen a weak tongue.

有人说爱是一条河,淹没柔弱的芦苇。Some say love, it's a river that drowns the tender reed.

出汗将被看作是一个表示柔弱和紧张的迹象。Sweat will be seen as asign of weakness and nervousness.

小小的,柔弱的兰花,躺在他宽大的,粗糙的手掌中。The little, fragile cymbidium, in his large, harsh hand.

他只是你见过的娇气柔弱的小男孩中的一个。He is just one of those little effeminate boys that you see.

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希金斯想把那个柔弱的女孩造就成一位高雅的淑女。Higgins tried to mould the cockney girl into a elegant lady.

有人说,成功是条河,容易将柔弱的芦草淹没。Some say Victory, it is a river , That drowns the tender reed.

他心性敏感而体质柔弱,很早就过世了。He was of a delicate mind and body, and he died at an early age.

羊很笨,还很脏,并且完全柔弱无依。Not only are they dumb and dirty, sheep are utterly defenceless.

她的风格体现在极度小女人柔弱上,装饰满是珍珠和蕾丝的配饰。Her style is ultra-feminine, with lots of pearls and lacy details.

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这可能使他们看起来有点滑稽,或者更多的有些柔弱。This was probably to make them look ridiculous or more effeminate.

那柔弱的身躯,仿佛不小心就会拦腰折断。The body was weak, as if not careful it will break down the middle.

另一股则是金融危机通常会导致柔弱的回暖。The other is that financial crises usually produce weak recoveries.