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最后的战场,尸横遍野。Last battlefield, littered with corpses.

你现在觉得内疚了?等到尸横遍野的时候再说吧。You feel bad now?Wait till you're thigh-deep in warm corpses.

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当战争的迷雾消散,科拉人尸横遍野。When the fog of battle lifted, Colla bodies littered the landscape.

当时的南京城尸横遍野,沦为人间地狱。Nanjing of the time was a field littered with corpses, just like the world hell.

地上尸横遍野,很多都被肢解,有些甚至被吞噬大半。There were bodies strewn everywhere, many dismembered and some even half consumed.

现在轮到地产泡沫破灭了,使得整个金融业尸横遍野。Now the housing bubble has burst in turn, leaving the financial landscape strewn with wreckage.

在他的周围,将军能看到尸横遍野的他的士兵们,他那曾经势不可挡的大军所留下的唯一残骸。All around him the general could see his fallen soldiers, the lost remnants of his once unstoppable army.

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夏洛克早就搬进去了导致那里现在是尸横遍野,不过都好过我先前待的地方。Sherlock had already moved in so it was a bit of a mess but that 's actually a nice change from where I was before.

BBC驻该地区的一名记者表示,目击者描述街上尸横遍野,建筑物和车辆也被焚烧了。BBC reporter in the area says eyewitnesses describe seeing bodies in the streets, and buildings and vehicles set on fire.

暴力事件导致尸横遍野,而暴力的规模和残忍程度更加骇人听闻。It said there were a huge number of corpses and the killings were particularly shocking because of their scale and brutality.

但咱米国就敢说,咱和他们不一样,作为一个喜欢演讲的国王,咱家是不会在看到尸横遍野的时候才采取措施的。The United States of America is different. And as President, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action.

斯瓦特最大的城镇明戈拉去年还是到处战火弥漫、尸横遍野,而今已是不战而屈。Its biggest town, Mingora, which late last year had been a battlefield shelled by the army and littered by militants with headless corpses, appears to have been captured almost without a fight.