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电子游戏毁了我的生活。Vidoe games ruined my life.

但是在电子游戏中杀死一个儿童?But kill a child in a videogame?

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别迷恋玩电子游戏了。Don't crazy on playing compacter.

“他在打电子游戏。”依姆说。"He plays computer games, " says Im.

我想知道那些电子游戏多少钱。I wonder how much those video games cost.

真是一个十足的电子游戏迷。Ah, he is a strict fan of electronic games.

“每一款电子游戏都来自中国。”她说。"Every video game is made in China, " she says.

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他们大都玩电子类的东西,像电子游戏啊之类的。For the most part, they play electronic something.

我觉得玩一些电子游戏挺重要,I think that some video games are important to play

科迪克是否和电子游戏这一产业共同成长呢?So did Mr Kotick and the industry grow up together?

你能跟我们讲讲你玩的电子游戏吗?Can you tell us about the video games that you play?

你知道一些沉迷于电子游戏的人吗?Do you know any people who are addicted to video games?

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依据“超级玛丽”电子游戏设想的冷艳的纸杯蛋糕。Amazing cupcakes inspired by Super Mario Bros video games.

它在那儿,在电子游戏中心与邮局之间。It's there , between the video arcade and the post office.

电子游戏可能挺好玩,但是会占用你很多时间。They might be fun, but they can take up way too much time.

当地的网吧里满是玩电子游戏的年轻人。Young men pack the local Internet cafe to play videogames.

我保证吃完晚饭后就跟你一起玩电子游戏,行不行?I promise to play the video game with you after dinner, OK?

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根据倍受欢迎的电子游戏“愤怒的小鸟”制作的有趣的纸杯蛋糕。Fun cupcakes inspired by the popular video game Angry Birds.

轰炸,摧毁,用无人机屠杀平民就像在玩电子游戏一样。Bombs, maims, and drone-kill civilians like its a video game.

当我不再玩电子游戏时,我便在我的生活中创造了大量的空间。When I quit video games, I created a lot of space in my life.