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整理箱以及编织袋一应俱全。The sorting box and bag.

什么都有,所有家居的舒适设施一应俱全。anything, all the comforts of home.

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本饭店山珍海味,一应俱全。Our restaurant serves a feast of delicacies.

日用百货一应俱全。All varieties of goods for daily use are available.

我们为房子提供一应俱全的最新设备。We appointed the house with all the latest devices.

工厂原来,铬,黑,灰一应俱全。Factory original, black, chrome, everything is gray.

检测设备一应俱全,确保稳定的产品质量。All kinds of testing equipments ensure the ility of duct quality.

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从莎士比亚,到斯坦贝克,一应俱全。Covers everything from Shakespeare to Steinbeck,” the site teases.

从莎士比亚,到斯坦贝克,一应俱全。Covers everything from Shakespeare to Steinbeck, ” the site teases.

从莎士比亚,到斯坦贝克,一应俱全。Covers everything from Shakespeare to Steinbeck, " the site teases."

举止泰然,而船虽小,食住器具,一应俱全,也确实是个家。Manners, and little boat moderns, live instruments, hris, also is a home.

她穿的都是贵重料子,绸缎花边一应俱全,全身雪白。She was dressed in rich materials-satins, and lace, and silks-all of white.

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但是现在电动车拥有了前所未有的完美表现,高速,远距离,一应俱全。Now they have range and highway speed and performance we've never seen before.

从拥有数千年历史的神殿到阳光灿烂的沙滩,希腊一应俱全。From temples that are thousands of years old to sunny beaches, Greece has it all.

美国金融界人士广泛从事内幕交易的证据可谓一应俱全。All of the ingredients were in place for industry-wide evidence of insider trading.

迪化街是南北货集中点,这里各式干货一应俱全。Di Huajie is concentrated north-south goods, dry goods all kinds of everything here.

周到的各项待客设施一应俱全,包括水吧、限量版红酒区。Thoughtful various hospitality facilities, including water, edition of red wine area.

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由姿讯﹐到图片和壁纸﹐甚至姿源﹐都应有尽有﹐一应俱全。From news articles to photos, wallpapers, and even Stef-media, you name it, we got it.

这条街上的上百个小吃店供应各种吃的,从烤肉串到汤一应俱全。Hundreds of food stalls in this street stock with everything from shish kebab to soup.

这条街上的上百个小吃店供给各种吃的,从烤肉串到汤一应俱全。Hundreds of food stalls in this street stock with everything from shish kebab to soup.