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没有椅子。No chair.

在椅子上。On the chair.

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我踢了踢他的椅子。I kicked his chair.

我坐在另一把椅子上。I sat on the other.

我觉得这些椅子挺好的。I like these chairs.

它是一把红色的椅子。It's a red chair. C.

我可以把椅子放下来吗?Can I recline my seat?

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我有一个小椅子。I have a little chair.

把它放在你的椅子上。Leave it on your chair.

椅子是用木来做的。A chair is made of wood.

但在你的椅子上睡。But do it in your chair.

你看那椅子上的东西。Look over on that chair.

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有些椅子配有椅套。A chair with such a back.

该死的椅子把我屁屁夹住了。Damn chair "bite" my ass!

他把这些椅子放回原处。He moved the chairs back.

她将一把椅子碰倒了。She tripped over a chair.

多可爱的小椅子啊!What a cute little chair!

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好可爱的小椅子!What sweet little chairs!

他把椅子靠到树上。He put the chair the tree.

我不喜欢小椅子。I don't like small chairs.