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我们所要做的祇是信靠仰赖神。We are to simply trust God.

我仰赖父母让我吃饱穿暖。I rely on my parents to feed and clothe me.

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那些规模更小、更仰赖贸易的国家也会遭受同样的命运。So will smaller, more trade-dependent countries.

大部分的植物需要仰赖土壤,水和阳光生存。Most plants need dirt, water and sunlight to live.

不被仰赖沙文主义的喇嘛所捆绑。Not to be stuck with depending on chauvinist lamas.

不过,对于妳的自信,你也不能完全仰赖他。But you can't be totally dependent on him for self-esteem.

有这麽多仰赖大地之母和她的震动的系统。So much depends on Mother Earth and Her vibrational system.

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投手不只仰赖速度让打击者打不到球。Pitchers don't just rely on speed to get a pitch past a batter.

只因你仰赖耶和华,他便将他们交在你手里。Yet when you relied on the Lord , he delivered them into your hand.

国有捕鲸公司的存在也仰赖于低息贷款和补贴。Thestate whaling company is kept afloat with cheap loans and subsidies.

那一个内弯可能伤害为食物或庇护所仰赖树的动物。That inturn may harm animals that depend on the trees for food or shelter.

我们相信耶稣,并且经历到他的真实,这就使我们更加信靠和仰赖他。We trust Jesus and see that he is real, and that makes us trust him even more.

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政府也仰赖网上和网下的机密交流。And governments also rely on confidential communication online as well as offline.

呼吸肌的偏瘫无力常导致病患需要仰赖呼吸器。Paralysis of respiratory muscles often requires the use of mechanical ventilation.

但要确认每个环节都妥善进行,则全仰赖造船大师。Yet, it is up to the master builder to make sure everything is done appropriately.

许多工人将得仰赖社会福利,这对于整体社会而言是一大损失.Many workers will have to rely on welfare, and that's a big loss for society overall.

他们必须学习如何再次仰赖我们,并给予我们应得的尊敬。They must learn to depend upon us once again and to give us the obeisance we deserve.

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在这样的混乱之中,美国大学仰赖标准化考试成绩是情有可原的。Amid such chaos, it's understandable why American colleges fall back on standardized tests.

记住,上主之子的救恩仰赖于你。除了你的自性以外,还有谁堪称为他的圣子。Remember that God's Son looks to you for his salvation. And Who but your Self of the world.

和奥巴马政府其他政策的特点一样,这一政策谨小慎微,并仰赖各方达成共识。Like other trademark Obama-administration policies, it is cautious and reliant on consensus.