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那块牛排鲜嫩多汁。The steaks were tender and juicy.

多吃鲜嫩的蔬菜和生果。Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit.

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豆腐看上去洁白无瑕,吃起来鲜嫩无比。The bean curd looks spotlessly white and tender.

分别将大麦和胡萝卜块沸煮至鲜嫩。Boil the barley and carrot separately until tender.

有美味的芝士,鲜嫩的肉类和鱼。They've got amazing cheeses, good meats, good fish.

以一片片荚果放飞曾经鲜嫩如淤血似的种子。And letting go of the seeds once blue-blooded like gore.

分别将大麦和胡萝卜块沸煮至鲜嫩。Boil separately until tender the barley and diced carrot.

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顺便问一句,你刚才说它因为其鲜嫩而闻名对吧?By the way, you said they were known as a delicacy, right?

低洼地和湿地提供鲜嫩而且多汁的植物。Lowlands and wetlands provide tender and juicy vegetation.

蒲菜不能在汤中久煮,以保持鲜嫩特点。Pucai can not cook soup a long time to keep fresh features.

它还能使肉质变得更为鲜嫩,让人们可以选择价钱稍低的肉。It tenderizes meat, allowing less expensive cuts to be used.

鹅肉的肉丝鲜嫩、营养价值高,容易被吸收。The goose fresh pork, high nutritional value, easy to absorb.

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我好想念妈妈做的鱼,真的很鲜嫩啊!I miss the fish cooked by my mum, it's quite fresh and tender.

鲜嫩猪肋排慢火碳烤后,配上波本酱,碳烤凤梨和纽奥良洋葱圈。Baby back ribs with grilled pineapple, served with onion rings.

他们跑到了厨房,里面散发出刚出炉的鲜嫩饼干的味道。They raced into the kitchen which smelled of warm, fresh cookies.

金褡裢五香牛肉肉质鲜嫩,香味纯正。Pouch hung from belt gold Spiced beef meat stays fresh, pure flavor.

鲜嫩的竹笋很可口,人们很爱吃。The tender young shoots of bamboo are tasty. People like to eat them.

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吃不完、味道一般,没有做出黄骨鱼的鲜嫩感远逊于桂林漓江边上的清水鱼。It tasted just so-so. I think Guilin's fresh cooked fish is better than it.

她叫我月亮派是因为我鲜嫩诱人,她想把我吃掉。She calls me Moon Pie because I'm nummy-nummy and she could just eat me up.

主菜的牛柳配上土豆则是色香味俱佳,肉质鲜嫩,肉汁入味。The beef fillet was fresh and tender and the gravy tasted rather delicious.