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预祝平步青云环保讲坛圆满成功!Best wishes to the success of the Green Pathfinders Forum!

飞黄腾达,每位家长都希望自己的孩子将来能平步青云。Apprentice, every parent wants their children will be a meteoric rise.

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现在的沃尔科特平步青云,唯一的问题是,怎样能将这种平步青云的状态持续下去。For now the scurrying image of Walcott sits well. The only problem is making it last.

伴随着佩雷兹的平步青云,他的对手坐不住了,他们试图把他和内战的暴行联系起来。As Mr Pérez's star has risen, his rivals have tried to link him to the war's atrocities.

新中国的穷困山区孩童们,再无法凭藉接受教育而平步青云。In the new China, education is no longer a sure path to social mobility for poor, rural children.

在接下来的几年中,我在职位上平步青云,在不同的部门都获得了不少经验。Over the next few years, I worked my way up the leader, gaining experience in several different departments.

这次“平步青云”讲坛第九讲在夜色中顺利结束。我们期待下次的见面!The ninth lecture of "Way to success" passed off without incident. We are looking forward to meeting next time.

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当罗克在默默无闻的干着苦力活时,基廷却在声名卓著的纽约弗朗&埃耶尔公司平步青云。While Roark toils in obscurity, Keating rises through the ranks of the prestigious New York firm Francon &Heyer.

与夸梅“无手”布朗相比,加索尔在中锋位置上发挥得如鱼得水,湖人也因此平步青云。It's amazing how much better the Lakers are with Pau Gasol as starting center, compared to Kwame "No Hands" Brown.

从上图来看,我国经济在六十年代曾有一段十分平缓的小幅下滑,在七十年代的走势却显得比较挣扎,再往后便是一路上扬,平步青云。There’s a very gentle negative slope during the 60’s and the power struggle of the late 70’s, then it’s all upward.

深受学生欢迎的她把教学当成事业经营,希望自己在职场上平步青云。Wildly popular with her students, she manages education like a career, with lofty ambitions of scaling the hierarchical ladder.

石通此刻真是平步青云。上周他获得了加薪,过几天他又要被派去中国做公司代表了。Stone is riding high at the moment. last week he got a raise , and in a few days he's being sent to represent the company in china.

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布鲁克斯长期以来一直受到默多克的支持,她从新闻集团英国报纸业务的管理层中迅速地平步青云。Brooks is a longtime protege of Murdoch who had risen quickly through the tabloid ranks of News Corp.'s British newspaper operations.

能够与来自各行各业的人处理好人际关系,那将使你的职业生涯平步青云,社会生活游刃有余。Being able to function well with people from all walks of life is a skill that will take you far in your career and possibly social life as well.

批评政府的人士说,俄罗斯巨额石油和天然气收入推动了普京的平步青云,并使他能够安然度过全球经济低迷。Critics of the Kremlin say Russia's huge oil and gas revenues have fueled Mr. Putin's rise and allowed him to coast through the global economic downturn.

尼克松艰难获得1968年共和党提名时,并没有直接参与那些事件——比如城市暴动和校园骚乱——这帮助他在政治上平步青云。Nixon worked hard to become the Republican nominee in 1968 but he was not directing events – like the urban unrest and campus disturbances – that helped his political reemergence.

分析家表示,中国部分新领导人凭借环保意识在政坛平步青云,但其中极少有真正的环保人士。Some of China's new leaders have risen on the back of a growing awareness of the challenges of pollution, although few if any are personally committed environmentalists, analysts say.