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我是不可知论者。I was an agnostic.

不可知论者即是怀疑论者。An agnostic is a doubter.

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同样是不可知论者,我相信。Agnostics both, I believe.

他是一名无神论者,她则基本上是不可知论者。He's an atheist, she pretty much agnostic.

爱因斯坦是个不可知论者。Einstein himself was spinositical agnostic.

巴利安和他父亲看起来像不可知论者。Balian and his father appear to be agnostics.

我提到过,洛克是个不可知论者。I have mentioned that Locke was very agnostic.

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天主教徒对于新教教义来说,是不可知论者。Catholics are agnostic to the Protestant creeds.

无神论者和不可知论者的数量越来越多。Atheism and agnosticism are increasing in number.

过去几年来,我真可说成了一个不可知论者。The past few years I've really become an agnostic.

阿泰是一个朗诵困难者,不可知论者和失眠患者。Ron Artest is dyslexic, agnostic, and an insomniac.

无神论和不可知论成为了当时的时尚。So atheism and agnosticism became the fashion of the day.

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在欧洲无神论和不可知论的兴起令人感到震惊。In Europe, the rise of atheism and agnosticism is stunning.

在西方人来讲,不可知论者只是“没有宗教信仰”。In terms of Westerners, agnostics is "no religious belief."

把一个灯泡转进灯座,需要多少位不可知论者呢?Q. How many agnostics does it take to screw in a light bulb?

一位都不用。不可知论者质疑到底灯泡是否存在。A. None. Agnostics question whether light bulbs really exist.

我想有时这种不可知论能够通向道德成熟。I think sometimes that agnosticism can lead to a moral maturity.

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我想,有时候这种不可知论能够通向道德成熟。I think sometimes that agnosticism can lead to a moral maturity.

他说不可知论者也要求一个“更加公平的”书目。He said the agnostics were also demanding a "more even-handed" bibliography.

我实在不知道是否该说是“不可知论者”或“无神论者”。I never know whether I should say "Agnostic" or whether I should say "Atheist".