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画报的创刊号一举成功。The first number of the pictorial leaped straight to success.

创刊号是永远不会过时的文献资料。The opening number is the documents and materials never out of date.

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本季刊之创刊号能否符合你的期望呢?This is our first issue, and it may or may not meet your expectations.

不只要一些爱好者杂志我看见,但是适合创刊号足够长的时间。Not as long as some of the zines I'd seen, but long enough for a first issue.

一本“钢铁超人”的漫画创刊号,日前拯救了美国南部即将流落街头的一家人。Somewhere in the American South, a family just got saved by the Man of Steel.

创刊号是指报刊正式开始刊行的第一期。Opening number refer to newspapers and periodicals begin first issue that publish formally.

创刊号的封面上是一名被穆斯林罩袍裹得严严实实的妇女,手持一只冲锋枪。On the cover of the first issue is a robe wrapped up by Muslim women, armed with a submachinegun.

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大部份期刊之索引资料从1980年开始收载,但重要之学术期刊则从创刊号开始。Most of the index data are dated from 1980 whereas some important academic journals are collected from the first issue.

我的作品从来没有上过杂志的封面上创刊号的杂志封面更是不敢想像。我觉得这再也不会发生了。I had never before seen my work featured on the cover of a magazine much less the first issue and now I fear I won't see it again.

从馆藏的角度看,创刊号具有文物价值、审美价值、认识价值和史料价值。From the in storage point of view, the opening number has value of historical relics, aesthetic value, realizes value and historical data value.

创刊号除刋载「城市文学创作奖」的得奖作品外,还选录了城大师生和校友的创作、评论和译介作品。Apart from publishing the winning entries of "City Literary Award", the inaugural issue also covers creative writings, critiques and translation works contributed by university members.

本周一,在距离广州亚运会开幕倒计时60天之际,广州2010年亚运会的英文官方会刊创刊号正式发行。The official English-language journal of the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games launched its inaugural issue on Monday as the southern city headed into the last 60 days before the opening of the Games.