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它会令行动瘫痪。It paralyzes action.

喜欢瘫痪和病魔缠身的题材?Prefer paralysis and disease?

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你的一站,交通瘫痪!Your one station, traffic tie-up!

大雨导致北京交通瘫痪。Downpour paralyses Beijing traffic.

太多的信息令人瘫痪,但奇怪的是,太多的自由,情况更糟。Too much information is paralyzing.

他下半身瘫痪了。He is paralyzed from the waist down.

码头工人的罢工使港口陷于瘫痪。The docker's strike tied up the port.

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他不禁吓住了、愣住了、瘫痪了。He was stultified, shocked, paralyzed.

贝里尔被热带小虫咬伤而瘫痪。Beryl was paralysed by a tropical worm.

沙赫拉姆·柯丹在一次车祸中瘫痪。Shahram Khodaie was paralyzed in a crash.

四肢肌肉临时性“瘫痪”。Limb muscle provisionality " break down ".

但得了疑病症确实可以瘫痪一个人的身心。But being a hypochondriac can be crippling.

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彼得治愈了一个叫以尼雅,瘫痪了的人。Peter heals a bed ridden man called Aeneas.

瘫痪故障的幽灵也将阻止他的实现。So did the spectre of crippling breakdowns.

自由太多会导致分析瘫痪.Too much freedom causes analysis paralysis.

欧洲的领导者们遭到人们的否认,其领导力形如瘫痪。Europe's leaders are in denial or paralyzed.

最常见的类型是猎浣熊犬瘫痪。The most common type is Coonhound paralysis.

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这不同于苏联的经济瘫痪。This is no Soviet-style economic basket case.

这个瘫痪病人又挨过了好几年。The paralytic lingered out several more years.

很多WordPress.com博客仍处于瘫痪状态。Many of the blogs are still down.